SmartFlower Solar

Business Type Solar Equipment Manufacturers
Types of Energy Solar Electric PV
Market Commercial Properties, Multi-family properties, Residential Properties

The SmartFlower is a fully integrated, all-in-one solar system that can live anywhere. All it takes is a quick setup by one of our installers and you’ll be producing clean energy for your home or business. If you ever have to move it, SmartFlower can be easily packed up and moved to a new site. 40% more efficient in energy production than traditional solar. SmartFlower’s intelligent tracking system avoids the major limitations of traditional solar. SmartFlower combines several smart features into one sophisticated package with the goal of maximizing its efficiency and making it nearly effortless to own. With it’s weatherproof design and sensors that continuously monitor wind speeds, SmartFlower automatically prevents system damage from adverse weather conditions by folding into a secure position until conditions improve.