
Rebates list

Texas Rebates and Incentives Summary

TexasTexas has been a big player in the development of its wind resources since the late 1990s. Though it's known for its big wind, the state also has abundant solar resources for photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power installations.

To help Texans adopt renewables, the state offers numerous incentives, like property tax rebates and performance-based incentives. While other states have adopted legislation requiring utilities to offer net metering to their residents, utilities in Texas have the option to offer net metering, but are not mandated to offer it. Currently three city utilities do including Austin.

When it comes to rebates, however, power suppliers in Texas offer significant rebates to property owners in their service districts, sometimes better rebates than found in other states. And there’s a smorgasbord of utilities in Texas that are offering incentives to their customers.

Texas has increased its interest in promoting renewables in the last couple of years that has prompted many solar installers to expand into the state. As of 2018, it has a renewable portfolio standard, which requires 10,000 megawatts of renewables installed throughout the state by 2025. According to the annual compliance report prepared by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Texas surpassed its 2025 target in 2009 and had 13,359 MW of additional renewable energy capacity (12,824 MW of which was wind) in 2013 relative to 1999.

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AEP (Central and North) - Residential Energy Efficiency Programs

The Residential Standard Offer Program and Hard to Reach Standard Offer Program provide incentives to Project Sponsor contractors for installing energy efficiency measures at the homes of residential customers. Both programs provide incentives for upgrades to residential properties; however the Hard to Reach Program focuses on low-income homes and underserved communities. Project Sponsors agree with customers on terms including measures to be installed, conditions of sale, and price.  Customers will be asked to sign and date the Host Customer Agreement and Acknowledgement form provided by TCC or TNC to document participation in the RSOP or HTRSOP.  TCC or TNC will

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AEP (Central and SWEPCO) - Coolsaver A/C Tune Up or Replacement

Residential customers are eligible to receive an instant rebate from a participating A/C contractor for installing high performance A/C systems. Incentives are based on the tonnage and efficiency (SEER) of the new system installed. Only system replacements are eligible. The residential incentives are as follows:

Tons     16     17     18
1.5     $120     $180     $240
2.0     $160     $240     $320
2.5     $200     $300     $400
3.0     $240     $360     $480
3.5     $280     $420     $560
4.0     $320     $480     $640

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AEP (SWEPCO) - Residential Energy Efficiency Programs

The South Western Electric Power CO. (SWEPCO) Residential Standard Offer Program provides incentives to Project Sponsor contractors for installing energy efficiency measures at the homes of SWEPCO residential customers. The primary objective of this program is to achieve cost-effective energy usage reduction in peak summer demand. SWEPCO Texas will enter into contracts for peak demand and energy savings with "Project Sponsors" who are typically energy efficiency service firms such as air conditioning contractors, insulation installers, lighting contractors or national energy service companies.

Approved contractors will perform tests on the customer's home and install relevant energy-saving measures including:

  • Attic insulation
  • Duct
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AEP Texas Central Company - SMART Source Solar PV Rebate Program

American Electric Power Texas Central Company (AEP-TCC) offers rebates to any customer that installs photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes or other buildings. Rebates may be assigned to the customer, a service provider, or a third party. 


Residential customers can receive a fixed incentive, while commercial customers can receive a tiered, capacity-based incentive. Incentive levels are as follows:

Residential Commercial
System Size  Incentive Amount     System Size Incentive Amount
0.001-2.999 kW-DC  $0.50/W-DC     First 0-25 kW-DC
3-4.999 kW-DC  $1,500
5-7.4999 kW-DC  $2,250
     Additional kW up to 200 kW-DC

7.5-30 kW-DC  $3,000

PV System Eligibility


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AEP Texas North Company - SMART Source Solar PV Rebate Program

American Electric Power Texas North Company (AEP-TNC) offers rebates to any customer that installs photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes or other buildings. Rebates may be assigned to the customer, a service provider, or a third party.


Residential customers can receive a fixed incentive, while commercial customers can receive a tiered, capacity-based incentive. Incentive levels are as follows:

Residential Commercial
System Size  Incentive Amount     System Size Incentive Amount
0.001-2.999 kW-DC  $0.50/W-DC     First 0-25 kW-DC
3-4.999 kW-DC  $1,500
5-7.4999 kW-DC  $2,250
     Additional kW up to 200 kW-DC

7.5-30 kW-DC  $3,000

PV System Eligibility


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Austin Energy - Commercial Energy Management Rebate Program

Austin Energy offers incentives for commercial customers to increase the energy efficiency of facilities through the Commercial Rebate Program. Rebates are available for qualified HVAC equipment, ceiling/roof insulation and reflective coating, chillers, custom technologies, energy recovery ventilators, lighting equipment, motors, variable frequency drives, and window treatments. Austin Energy has also created an incentive schedule for new construction projects, which awards incentives based upon specific project conditions. Custom measures include wire-up sizing, day lighting controls, cooling towers and others.

Interested businesses must first fill out a Customer Information Request Form. An Austin Energy Representative will then contact the business to schedule

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Austin Energy - Commercial Solar PV Incentive Program

Austin Energy offers two incentives on the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system to customers with a commercial Austin Energy account number. The first program is a performance-based incentive (PBI) which provides a credit on your business' bill for the power your solar PV system generates. The second is a capacity-based incentive, offering customers an up-front check for installed solar PV capacity.

The incentive rate varies based on capacity of  the program, though PV systems shall not be sized to produce more than 110% of the historical annual energy consumption of the connected load. In order to qualify

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Austin Energy - Commercial Solar PV Rebate Program

Austin Energy provides rebates to small, medium, large, and extra large commercial customers and nonprofit customers who wish to install photovoltaic systems. There are two incentives available: a performance-based incentive ranging from $0.04-$0.08/kWh. Contact Austin Energy or visit the program website for more information on this program.

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Austin Energy - Multi-Family Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The Austin Energy Multi-Family Program provides cash incentives to owners, developers, and property managers of apartments and other multi-family properties for making energy efficiency improvements. Rebates are available for qualified A/C systems, heat pumps, window treatments, insulation, ductwork, and lighting equipment. A free walk-through energy survey is required before a rebate application will be accepted. Rebate eligibility for each identified improvement will be determined by the on-site survey. Rebates for some measures may be prorated or not offered depending on the cost-effectiveness of each measure. Incentives are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Austin Energy for more information on

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Austin Energy - Net Metering

Eligibility and Availability

Austin Energy, the municipal utility of Austin Texas, offers net metering to its non-residential retail electricity customers for renewable energy systems up to 20 kilowatts (kW). Austin Energy offers the Value of Solar rate instead of net metering for residential customers with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems no larger than 20 kW. The current Performance Based Incentive Rate being accepted is $0.09/kWh for a ten year term.

The definition of renewable includes solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave and tidal energy, biomass, and biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas.

Systems must be used primarily to offset a

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Austin Energy - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program

Austin Energy offers loans for residential customers interested in energy efficiency improvement projects through two different programs, the Weatherization Assistance Program and Home Performance with Energy Star Program. The Weatherization Assistance Program offers financing at 0% interest for up to 10 years on new air conditioning systems. The Home Performance with Energy Star Program offers a financing program through Velocity Credit Union with interest rates beginning as low as 1.99%.

Qualifying energy efficiency improvements for these loans are identical to the eligible products for rebate, as seen in Austin Energy's Residential Rebate Program.

All work must be done by a

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Austin Energy - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Austin Energy offers incentives to its residential customers to encourage the use of energy efficient equipment and measures. Rebates are available for qualified appliances and equipment, cooling and heating improvements, as well as home improvements. Within the home improvement rebates is a low-to-moderate income (LMI) weatherization assistance program, offering the following free home improvements to LMI homes:

  1. Attic insulation
  2. Repairing, replacing, and sealing ducts
  3. Sealing cracks and gaps in the walls and ceiling
  4. Sealing around doors
  5. Solar screens
  6. Carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors
  7. High-efficiency LED lighting
  8. Inspecting and cleaning air conditioning equipment
  9. Reflective roof coating for mobile homes
  10. Smart
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Austin Energy - Residential Solar PV Rebate Program

Rebates will only be paid for approved systems installed by approved solar contractors according to the established technical requirements. All systems must conform to the utility's equipment and installation standards in order to qualify for a rebate. These standards include the use of pre-approved equipment; equipment warranty requirements; and the use of a program-approved, NABCEP-certified, and appropriately insured solar installer. Participants must meet a detailed set of home energy efficiency requirements in order to qualify for a solar rebate. Participants must also complete a solar education course to receive the rebate.

Renewable Energy Credits and other environmental credits associated with

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Austin Energy - Small Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Austin Energy offers a special incentive for its small-to-midsize and not-for-profit business customers to increase the energy efficiency of facilities through the Small Business Rebate Program. Rebates are available for qualified HVAC equipment, ceiling/roof insulation and cool roofing, custom technologies, lighting equipment, and window treatments.

A separate rebate is also available for lighting equipment. Improvement costs of up to 80% percent may be covered by the program. For more information, visit the program website or contact the utility directly.

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Austin Energy - Solar Water Heating Rebate

Austin Energy offers its residential, commercial, and municipal customers either an up-front rebate or a low-interest loan for the purchase and installation of solar hot water heaters. Because the program is in part designed to help Austin Energy reduce peak electricity demand, only systems that preheat water for a permanently installed electric hot water heater are eligible to receive the incentive. Rebate levels vary by customer class.


  • Residential (new construction): $1,500
  • Residential (existing homes): $2,000 or low interest loan (see below)
  • Commercial: Custom, determined on a case-by-case basis

Loans option details (existing homes)

  • Home improvement loans: 0% interest rate
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Austin Energy - Value of Solar Rate

Note: In August 2014, the City Council of Austin, Texas, enacted Resolution No. 20140828, which directed program changes to the Value of Solar Tariff as follows:

  • allow excess credits to be rolled over from year to year (instead of being reset at zero at the start of a calendar year),
  • allow solar energy systems of any size to be eligible for the Residential Solar Tariff by removing the existing 20 kW cap,
  • set an annual price floor equal to the residential electric rates of a “tier 3 customer” (i.e., $0.091 per kilowatt-hour for the rate schedule approved September 2013),
  • allow
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Austin Energy - Weatherization Assistance Program

Note: potential participants could be placed on a wait list due to program limits.

Austin Energy provides a variety of weatherization measures at no cost to its low-income and disabled residents through its Weatherization Assistance Program. Certain income levels must be met for residents to participate in this program. Eligible residents must fill out a program application, and Austin Energy will then send a letter stating whether they have been accepted to the program. Homes must have an appraised value of $$524,321 or less (excluding land value) and 2,500 square feet or smaller. Both renters and homeowners may apply. Funding for

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Bandera Electric Cooperative - Residential Heat Pump Rebate Program

Note: This program has limited funding. Once funds are depleted the program will close for the year.

The Bandera Electric Cooperative offers a $200 rebate for the installation of a 15 SEER or higher heat pumps in existing homes. This program is designed to promote energy efficiency in existing homes and to reduce demand for electricity. Rebates will be applied as a credit to participating members' accounts. The customer must apply for rebates in the year which the equipment was installed.  Visit the program website listed above or contact the cooperative for additional information on this program. Rebate forms must be

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Brownsville Public Utilities Board - Residential/Small Commercial Rebate Program

 Brownsville Public Utilities Board offers residential and small commercial customers rebates for installation of energy efficient and water conservation measures through their Green Living Rebate program. Customers can apply for rebates for attic/ceiling insulation, duct flow performance, ENERGY STAR windows, HVAC, solar screens and films, and high efficiency toilets. Applications must be completed within 30 days of installations and are subject to verification. 

For more information see web site.  

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Bryan Texas Utilities - SmartHOME Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU) SmartHOME Programs offers incentives to owners of single- and multi-family homes for insulation, windows, and solar screens. The incentive amount may not be less than 10% or more than 25% of the project costs. Interested customers must submit an application prior to installing any of the efficiency measures; the application is available on the program web site listed above.

Please see the program guidelines and program web site for equipment and installation requirements.

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Building Energy Code

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

The Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) by rule may choose to adopt the latest published editions of the energy efficiency provisions of the International Residential Code (IRC) or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for residential or commercial buildings. When the International Code Council publishes new codes, the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL), a division of Texas A&M University

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CenterPoint Energy - Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs

Note: This program only applies to electric customers of CenterPoint Energy in the greater Houston area, Texas.

CenterPoint Energy's Commercial & Industrial Standard Offer Program pays incentives to service providers who install energy efficiency measures in commercial or industrial facilities that are located within its service territories. Participation steps can be found at the above link under the 2023 CSOP Program Manual.

Large commercial customers with a total, single-site maximum peak demand of more than 100 kW or multiple sites with a combined maximum peak demand greater than 250 kW are eligible to participate. Small commercial customers with a total

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CenterPoint Energy - Residential and Hard-to-Reach Energy Efficiency Program

Note: Rebate Incentives are only available to CenterPoint Energy electric customers in the greater Houston area, Texas.

CenterPoint Energy's (CNP) Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program (RSOP & HTR) provides incentives to encourage contractors, service companies, community agencies and other organizations to install energy efficiency measures in homes and small businesses in CNP's designated service area. The HTR program specifically targets households at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Contractors who install energy efficiency measures at a facility that has a maximum demand of no more than 100 kW are eligible to participate in the program as a

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CenterPoint Energy - SCORE and CitySmart Program

CenterPoint Energy offers the SCORE and CitySmart Programs to help customers address energy costs through energy efficiency. The SCORE and CitySmart Programs provide complimentary tools, services and incentives to participating customers who complete projects resulting in peak electric demand and energy savings. Common new construction and retrofit projects include the installation of efficient lighting technologies, ENERGY STAR® qualified roofing material, high efficiency motors, and high efficiency air conditioning equipment.

The CitySmart Program was designed to assist local government entities become more energy efficient through lowering operational costs, improving environmental quality on their jurisdictions, and helping to meet environmental and efficiency

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CenterPoint Energy Advanced Residential Lighting Program

CenterPoint Energy’s Advanced Lighting program provides a point-of-sale discount on the purchase of selected Energy Star® rated LED products, such as screw-in LEDs and LED fixtures, which are available in several styles and wattages. No rebate forms or  paperwork are needed for this program, all arrangements have been made at the manufacturer level.

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CenterPoint Energy New Homes Program

Note: This program is only available to electric customers in CenterPoint Energy's service territory (greater Houston area, Texas). 

The CenterPoint Energy New Homes Program offers both ENERGY STAR and non-ENERGY STAR builders the opportunity to leverage incentives and utilize program resources to help improve the efficiency of their homes. 

Benefits include: 

• Home energy performance consulting: Learn how to leverage program incentives to improve the efficiency of your homes 

• Energy Efficiency technical trainings: Your home energy rater and HVAC contractor can gain new skills and brush up on current ones in trainings offered every year

• Energy Efficiency sales

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CenterPoint Energy's Energy Wise Program

CenterPoint Energy's Energy Wise program provides take-home kits containing efficiency devices with classroom and in-home education techniques with the aim to inspire families to adopt new resource usage habits. Results are tracked and summarized to document projected savings outcomes. Students receive a kit of energy-efficient devices, which are taken home as a homework project, then installed while sharing the learning experience with family members. They work on subjects required by state learning standards to understand and appreciate
the value of natural resources in everyday life. Program launch will typically be in the fall of each school year.


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City of Austin - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings

LEED Silver Building Requirement

The City Council of Austin passed a resolution (Resolution No. 20210902-042) in June 2020 requiring that all future building projects be built in accordance with the standard of the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver. The overall goal is to ensure that the City of Austin's facility portfolio is leading the way in conserving energy, water and other natural resources, promoting human health, safety and wellness, and ensuring a high-quality built environment.

The policy applies to all City capital improvement projects and third-party financed projects such as P3s

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City of Austin - Green Power Purchasing

As of July 2021, The City of Austin was ranked sixth on the EPA Green Power Partnership Top 30 Local Government list. 

Austin is the largest city in the U.S. to have all city-owned buildings and facilities powered by renewable energy resources. Austin has used renewable energy to power 100% of municipal operations since 2011.

On April 10, 2014, Austin City Council passed Resolution 20140410-024, which establishes a new long-term goal of reaching net zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, or earlier if feasible.  Office of Sustainability Climate Program staff started planning efforts to develop energy, transportation, waste, and

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City of Austin - Renewables Portfolio Standard

The City Council of Austin, Texas, first adopted a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in 1999 (Resolution No. 990211-36). The RPS was subsequently amended several times, with the current RPS goal—65% renewables by 2027—among the most ambitious in the nation. In 2019, the city's Climate Equity Plan established a goal of net-zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

Eligible Technologies

Renewable resources include those that rely on energy derived directly from the sun, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave or tidal energy, or biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas.

Goals and Requirements

The RPS for Austin Energy (the City of Austin’s

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City of Austin - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements

The City of Austin has ambitious building energy efficiency codes, policies, and programs in place.

Building Codes

In February 2007, the city council passed the Austin Climate Protection Plan, calling for the drafting of new building codes consistent with reducing energy used in single-family homes by 65% and all other public and private buildings by 75% by 2015 (see Resolution No. 20070215-23). Accordingly, the Zero-Energy Capable Homes (ZECH) Task Force was designated to draft recommendations and progressively-increasing goals for the program. Furthermore, an Energy Efficiency Retrofits (EER) Task Force was created in December 2007 to examine strategies for reducing energy

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City of Austin - Zoning Code

The Zoning Code (Chapter 25-2) of the Austin City Code provides a height limitation exemption for solar installations. Solar installations may exceed the zoning district height limit by 15% or the amount necessary to comply with a federal or state regulation, whichever is greater.

The Zoning Code also allows for preservation plans in historic districts to incorporate sustainability measures such as solar technologies and other energy generation and efficiency measures.

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City of Brenham - Net Metering

In September 2010, the City of Brenham passed an ordinance adopting net metering and interconnection procedures. Customer generators up to 10 megawatts (MW) are eligible to participate, although customer generators with systems 20 kilowatts (kW) or less are eligible for a separate rider and expedited interconnection. The utility will install and maintain a meter capable of measuring flow of electricity in both directions. Any net excess generation (NEG) is credited on a monthly basis at the utility's avoided cost rate.

The ordinance includes a standard form interconnection application and agreement as well as standard riders. Customers must provide all equipment

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City of Dallas - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings (Energy Efficiency Requirements)

In 2003, the Dallas City Council passed a resolution requiring that all new municipal buildings larger than 10,000 square feet be constructed to meet U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification standards. In 2006 the green building program policy was updated, increasing the requirement for new city-funded public works and transportation facilities under the 2006 bond program to LEED Gold Certification.

The first building completed under this policy was the Jack Evans Police Headquarters, which obtained LEED Silver certification in December 2005. As of 2015, Dallas has 26 LEED certified facilities: 14 silver (includes

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City of Dallas - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements

In April 2008, the City of Dallas enacted a Green Building Program (see Ordinance No. 27131), which required all new buildings to meet enhanced energy efficiency standards. The program was implemented through two phases. Phase 1 became effective October 1, 2009, and Phase 2 became effective October 1, 2013 (as amended by Ordinance No. 28813).

Notably, Dallas became the first U.S. city to adopt the 2012 International Green Construction Code (with amendments) for new commercial construction. Dallas now implements the 2015 International Green Construction Code (with amendments, hereafter Dallas Green Construction Code) as mandatory for commercial construction.

Residential Buildings


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City of El Paso - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings

In June 2008, the City Council of the City of El Paso enacted the Sustainable Design Standards for City Buildings policy (see Ordinance 016911, updated in July 2012 in this solution). All new City buildings over 5,000 square feet in size are required to be designed, contracted, and built to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification level and strive for a higher level of certification (gold or platinum) when possible. Future major renovations and non-occupied City buildings will also be designed, contracted, and built to include as many principles of

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City of El Paso - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements

In September 2012, the City of El Paso adopted the Alternative Energy Conservation Code for residential and commercial buildings based on the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). (The energy conservation code of the City was the 2009 IECC.)

In May 2016, the City of El Paso adopted the 2015 IECC as the Energy Conservation Code of the city. In August 2023, the city adopted the 2021 IECC.

View the code of ordinances for latest changes and updates.

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City of Fort Worth - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements

In March 2011, the City of Fort Worth adopted the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments as the City’s building energy code.

Per state law, the City of Fort Worth now implements the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments as the City's residential building energy code. There are two codes that can be used for compliance with the state's energy conservation mandate for the City's commercial building energy code: the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments and the 2013 ASHRAE 90.1. 

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City of Frisco - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements


In October 2013, existing green building codes were repealed and the 2012 International Residential Code with amendments was adopted. Among the amendments were energy efficiency requirements approximately 15% above the state minimum standard.

In 2019, Frisco adopted the 2018 IECC with amendments, which now is mandatory for all residential buildings. It later adopted the 2021 IECC with amendments in 2022.


In November 2006, Frisco passed an ordinance requiring that 100% of all roof areas comply with the EPA Energy Star Cool Roof Program as it exists or may be amended. Additional requirements for buildings include specific heat island

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City of Houston - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings

In 2022, the Houston City Council adopted the Municipal Building Decarbonization and Benchmarking Policy, requiring that city buildings target a 5% year-over-year reduction in electric power and natural gas consumption. This goal will be accomplished by implementing cost-effective measures to increase energy efficiency and decrease natural gas and other fossil fuel reliance through preventative maintenance, capital
improvement projects, and other measures. AP 3-41 outlines further guidance for energy performance and energy use intensity targets for existing city buildings,  new or replacement facilities, and major renovations. Energy use intensity (EUI) targets for electric power by building type include:

  • Public Service.....90
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City of Houston - Property Tax Abatement for Green Commercial Buildings

Note: These guidelines and criteria for tax abatement were readopted by the City Council on May 4th, 2022, and absent further extension they will expire on May 19, 2024.

In September 2009, the City of Houston Tax Abatement Program was enacted (Ordinance No. 2009-858), establishing a partial tax abatement for U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified commercial buildings. The tax abatement was extended most recently in 2022 under ordinance 2022-344.

Program eligibility

Under the program a facility is eligible for tax abatement if it meets the following requirements.
  1. It is a new commercial facility whose
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City of Houston - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements


In 2014, the City Council of Houston passed Ordinance No. 2014-5, requiring new residential construction to exceed the energy efficiency requirements under the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) by 15%. In October 2016, the City of Houston adopted Chapter 11 of the 2015 IECC with amendments per state law.

In October 2023, the city adopted the 2021 IECC with amendments. Houston adopted Appendix RB of the 2021 IECC, the Solar-Ready Provisions -- Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses, with a minor technical amendment as a mandatory standard.

It also adopted Appendix RD, the Electric Vehicle "EV" Ready

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City of Plano - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings

In January 2007, the City of Plano adopted a policy to "finance, plan, design, construct, manage, renovate, and maintain its facilities and buildings to be sustainable." This policy applies to new construction and major renovations. Return on investment will be considered when determining feasibility of implementing green features. 

Design elements will be prioritized based on their ability to provide future energy savings, water conservation, waste reduction, and improved indoor air quality. Key factors to consider incorporating into the design include:
1. Use of passive solar energy
2. Natural lighting (day lighting) and adjustable lighting systems
3. Highly reflective roof and

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City of Plano - Smart Energy Loan Program

The City of Plano established this loan program through the Department of Energy to support Plano homeowners seeking energy efficient home improvements.

In partnership with BTH Bank, financing will be provided to program participants, subject to credit approval. Loan terms and interest rate will be determined by BTH Bank. Loan amounts range from $2,500 to $25,000. This loan program will continue to offer future loans as existing loans are paid off. Due to Department of Energy and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Template Guidelines, no pre-completed project can be funded through the Smart Energy Loan Program.

Eligibility requirements

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City of San Antonio - Energy Conservation Code

The City of San Antonio city council approves and adopts the recommendations of the mayor’s sustainable task force. The city supports the adoption and implementation of energy provisions that result in energy savings ranging from 15%-30% when compared to the 2008 code. The provisions include the goal of net-zero carbon by 2030. San Antonio wants to provide flexibility to permit the use of innovative approaches and techniques to achieve the effective use of energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The city approves the goals of the following recommendations of the sustainable building task force. One of the main goals

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City of San Antonio - Residential and Commercial Green Building Requirements

In 2009, the mayor of San Antonio announced the “Mission Verde” plan, which included several energy savings goals. As part of this plan, the City Council enacted an ordinance in March 2009 requiring all new buildings in San Antonio to meet a 15% greater efficiency rate than what was required in the 2008 city energy code and establishing goals of 30% energy saving by 2012 and net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

In December 2011, the City Council adopted the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code, Chapters 2 through 5. 

In October 2018, the City Council adopted the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code

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City of San Antonio - Sec. 35-398. - Renewable Energy Systems

Small Wind Energy Systems:

The standards are applicable for small wind energy systems consisting of a wind turbine, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics, which has a rated capacity of not more than 100 kW and which is intended to primarily reduce on-site consumption of utility power.

Small wind energy systems shall be permitted ("P") by right in the following zoning districts C-3, L, I-1, I-2, MI-1, MI-2, O-2, ED, FR, QD and SGD. Small wind energy systems shall require specific use authorization ("S") in all residential base zoning districts and neighborhood preservation districts as well as the

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City of San Antonio - Under 1 Roof

The City of San Antonio's Under 1 Roof program provides eligible homeowners with funding opportunities to assist in the replacement of worn and damaged shingles with new, energy-efficient white shingle roofs and solar underlayment. The program provides a one-time grant and the City of San Antonio will place a restrictive covenant on the property requiring homeowners to maintain ownership and occupancy for five years after project completion.

Homes larger than 1,700 sq. ft. are subject to approval based on cost assessment and needs of the home. Metal roofs, gravel roofs, clay tiles and wood shingles are subject to additional review

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City of San Marcos - Distributed Generation Rebate Program

The City of San Marcos offers a Distributed Generation Rebate Program for the installation of grid-tied renewable energy systems. The Distributed Generation Rebate Program is offered to San Marcos Texas Utility customers. In order to qualify for the rebate, customers must be pre-approved by the utility. Single family homes must meet certain energy efficiency criteria determined by the utility. All systems must be professionally designed and installed. For more information, visit the program website.

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City of San Marcos - Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program

The City of San Marcos offers an Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program for the installation of central HVAC equipment, duct sealing or replacement measures, attic and wall insulation, EnergyStar windows and doors, window film and solar screens, and EnergyStar window AC units. 

A homeowner or tenant with written consent may apply; however, only existing single-family homes qualify for the Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program. More information and application instructions for the Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program can be found on the program website.




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City of Sunset Valley - PV Rebate Program

The City of Sunset Valley offers rebates to local homeowners who install photovoltaic (PV) systems on their properties. The local rebate acts as an add-on to the PV rebates that are offered by Austin Energy to its electric customers.

The Sunset Valley rebate is $1.00 per watt (W) up to 3,000 W. In order to qualify for the Sunset Valley rebate, the system must first qualify for an Austin Energy rebate. In addition, the system installation cost must be $6 per kW or less.

The Sunset Valley rebates are in addition to the Austin Energy rebate of $2.50 per watt

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City of Sunset Valley - Solar Water Heating Rebate Program

The City of Sunset Valley offers rebates to local homeowners who install solar water heating systems on their properties. The local rebate acts as an add-on to the solar water heating rebates that are offered by Austin Energy to its electric customers. The Sunset Valley rebate is set at 30% of the installed system cost, up to a maximum rebate of $2,000 per homeowner, supplementing the Austin Energy Rebate of $1,500 for systems on new homes and $2,000 for systems on existing homes.

In order to participate in the program, local residents must first be approved for a rebate through the

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College Station Utilities - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

College Station Utilities offers incentives to residential customers through the following programs:

  • Connected Thermostat Program
  • Energy Back II Rebate Program
  • Residential LED Lighting Program

Each offers cash incentives for various home energy efficiency improvement measures, including the purchase and use of a wifi-connected thermostat, the replacement of central air conditioning units with high-performance models, and the replacement of incandescent bulbs with high-efficiency or LED equivalents. See program website for details.

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CoServ - Solar Energy Rebate

CoServ Electric Cooperative provides a rebate to its members who installation a solar energy system on their property. Customers must sign an interconnection agreement (with net metering) for on-site generation with CoServ. Any excess generation from the system will be given to CoServ without compensation.

Interested customers are encouraged to contact the utility for more details before making investment decisions.

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CoServ Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

CoServ Electric Cooperative's "Think Green Rebate Program" provides a range of incentives encouraging its residential customers to upgrade to high efficiency equipment in their homes. Rebates are available for CFL and LED lighting upgrades, HVAC tune-ups, new Energy Star Homes, heat pumps, water heater replacements, room AC units and dishwashers. All appliances must be Energy Star rated and meet all program efficiency requirements as stated on the program web site. For all Energy Star purchases and rebates, members must provide a copy of the receipt as well as a copy of the Energy Guide label along with applications. Customers applying

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CPS Energy (Electric) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

CPS Energy offers a variety of rebates for energy efficiency related improvements to residential homes, including: appliances, HVAC equipment, and insulation. Rebate calculation methods, limits, and equipment requirements vary by technology and sometimes by existing home characteristics. All equipment and installation requirements must be met in order to receive rebate payments. View the program web site for additional details.

CPS Energy also offers energy efficiency rebates for commercial and industrial facilities, as well as rebates for solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems. See website for full details regarding rebate incentives.

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CPS Energy - New Residential Construction Incentives

CPS Energy offers incentives for new residential construction that is at least 15% more efficient than than International Energy Conservation Code 2018 (IECC 2018) building code.

The Residential New Construction Incentive Program does not specify eligible measures, but rather provides a rebate based on a "whole home performance."

CPS Energy offers builders and contractors incentives for new, energy-efficient residential buildings in the CPS Energy service area in San Antonio. Applicants must submit an initial reservation application, as well as a final application utilizing a program-recognized home energy performance test. Approved methods can be found at the above link.

Multi-family residential

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CPS Energy - Solar Hot Water Rebate Program

As part of a larger program designed to reduce electricity demand within its service territory, CPS Energy offers rebates for solar water heaters to its customers. Rebates will be calculated according to the annual savings estimated by the system's Solar Rating Certification Corporation (SRCC) OG-300 table as applied in the San Antonio area. Estimated annual electricity savings will be multiplied by a standard rate of $0.60/kilowatt-hour (kWh) in order to determine the value of the one-time rebate. The maximum rebate is $2,000, although there are no explicit size limitations on eligible systems. The rebate is reflected as a credit on

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Denton Municipal Electric - GreenSense Solar PV/Thermal Rebate Program

 Note: As of December 2020, funding for solar rebates has been exhausted and the program is suspended; additional funding may be supplied in October 2021.

Denton Municipal Electric (DME) offers rebates to its electric customers for the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar water heating systems. The solar rebates are designed for residential and small commercial customers and are available for both existing buildings and new construction. Applicants must be a home or rental property owner.

The following requirements apply to the PV rebate:

  • Applicant must contact Program Manager to receive Interconnection Agreement, Application for Interconnection Packet, and GreenSense
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Denton Municipal Electric - Residential GreenSense Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Denton Municipal Electric pays residential and small commercial customers to reduce energy demand and consumption in order to reduce the utility bills of DME customers, reduce peak load, reduce emissions, and promote energy conservation. The program offers rebates on the electric service bills of DME retail customers and cash incentives to builders, and applicants can qualify for multiple incentives simultaneously. Rebates are available for energy efficiency improvements, electric vehicles, solar pv and other standard offers.

An application form must be completed and sent to DME within 30 days of installation of the energy efficient upgrades. The energy efficiency upgrades must

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El Paso Electric Company - Net Metering

El Paso Electric (EPE) has offered net metering to customer-generators since September 2011.

Eligibility and Availability

To qualify, distributed renewable generation (DRG) owners must either:

  • interconnect an apartment house occupied by low-income elderly tenants that qualifies for master metering, where the DRG is expected to generate at least 50% of the building's annual electricity use or 
  • have a qualifying facility with a design capacity of not more than 50 kilowatts (kW).

Additionally, the DRG facility must be rated to produce an amount of electricity less than or equal to the estimated annual electricity consumption (for new apartment house or qualifying

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El Paso Electric Company - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

El Paso Electric offers residential customers cash and non-cash incentives for implementing energy efficiency improvements in their home. Incentives are available for evaporative cooling measures as well as refrigerated air measures.

Additionally, the El Paso Electric Income Qualified Solutions Program offers El Paso Electric income eligible residential customers and participating contractors cash and non-cash incentives for implementing energy efficiency improvements. Incentives are available for qualifying measures in retrofit projects, and are available on a first come, first served basis. Customers must meet income eligibility guidelines in order to participate.

El Paso Electric has partnered with CLEAResult Consulting, Inc. to administer

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Entergy Texas - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Entergy Texas offers an incentive program that provides residential customers with a comprehensive, whole-house approach to energy efficiency. Qualified customers are eligible for financial incentives totaling up to $5,000 for home energy efficiency upgrades. For more information, visit the program web site.

Participation in the program involves several steps. A customer first selects a participating contractor, who completes an energy assessment of the home. Next, the customer selects the energy efficiency upgrades based on the results of the assessment and signs a contract with the contractor, who then completes the upgrades. Finally, incentives for qualified measures are paid to

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Entergy Texas - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program

Entergy Texas offers incentives of up to $5,000 for energy efficiency home upgrades and installations.  The home must be within Entergy's service territory. After a home performance evaluation, a contractor will recommend a variety of energy efficiency improvements. Improvements include: Central Air Conditioner Replacement, Comprehensive Air Conditioner Tune Up, Air Source Heat Pump, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning duct sealing and/or replacement, High Efficiency Electric Water Heater, Water Heater Jackets, Attic, Wall, and Floor Insulation, Air Sealing, Solar Screens, Energy-Efficient Windows, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs,  and Pool Pumps.

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Entergy Texas - Residential and Small Commercial Standard Offer Program

The Hard to Reach and Residential Standard Offer Programs provides incentives for the retrofit or new construction installation of a wide range of energy efficiency measures. The program does not prescribe technologies or end uses, but provides a framework through which energy efficiency service providers can receive incentives to achieve cost-effective reduction in peak summer demand. If the customer uses the performance based calculations to determine an incentive, the implementation payment may be added to the kW saved payment. Entergy will not make a total incentive payment (i.e., the sum of the Implementation Payment and the Performance Payment) that is

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Farmers Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Farmers Electric Cooperative offers incentives for its residential and agricultural members to purchase certain energy efficient equipment. In order to receive rebates, equipment and installation must meet program requirements. More information and rebate applications can be found on the web site listed above.

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Garland Power & Light - EnergySaver Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

Garland Power and Light (GP&L) offers incentives to its residential, small commercial, and commercial customers to increase the energy efficiency of homes and facilities. Rebates for installing central air conditioning or heat pumps in already existing homes and businesses are available to residential and small commercial customers. Additionally, a separate lighting program is available to commercial customers who reduce their facility demand. Details on all offerings are available on the program web site. Incentives are offered to customers in the form of bill credits.

Residential customers also qualify for rebates when they install high efficiency window air conditioning units with

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Garland Power & Light - EnergySaver Solar Rebate Program

A utility bill credit is available to encourage Garland Power and Light (GP&L) residential customers to install solar photovoltaic panels that meet the minimum requirements of the program. Please check the GP&L website to make sure the program is still available before purchasing equipment. Application to GP&L must be submitted and accepted prior to installation of solar panels.

Credit will be applied to GP&L (must be GP&L customer) customer utility bill once system is installed and approved as "Produced Energy Credit". Credit amounts are calculated based on the electric energy produced and delivered to the City by the Customer's Power

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Green Mountain Energy Renewable Rewards Program

Texas does not have statewide net metering as the term is generally understood. However, retail electricity providers in Texas are permitted, but not required, to compensate customers for electricity produced by distributed renewable energy generation systems and exported to the electric grid. The program described below operates in a fashion similar to net metering and has similar customer benefits up to a certain point.

Eligibility and Availability

Green Mountain Energy Company, a retail electric provider of green electricity in Texas’s deregulated electricity market*, offers a special Renewable Rewards buy-back program to Texas customers who generate electricity from distributed solar or

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Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative - Renewable Energy Rebates

The Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative (GVEC) offers rebates to its member customers for the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar water heaters and solar water wells  within its service territory. Rebate amounts and limitations vary by technology.

In order to qualify for a rebate, systems must be new and meet a variety of equipment, warranty, and installation requirements that vary by technology. All units must be installed by a program approved contractor according to the manufacturer's specified procedures and codes.

Grid-connected renewable electricity systems must meet the standards of the National Electric Code (NEC) as well as the GVEC's own

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Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative (GVC) offers a rebate incentives to help customers save energy. Rebates are available for qualifying Heat Pump AC/heating systems with 18+ SEER ratings, as well as level 2 residential or commercial electric vehicle charging stations.

Licensed contractors must complete all installations, see program site for details surrounding customer eligibility.



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Interconnection Standards

Note: Texas has an ongoing docket, Docket No. 54233, that is considering reforms to interconnection processes.

The Texas Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) of 1999 included a provision that "a customer is entitled to have access… to on-site distributed generation," leading the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) to subsequently adopt interconnection standards. 

System Capacity Requirements

Interconnection rules apply to electrical generating facilities (consisting of one or more on-site distributed-generation units) located at a customer's point of delivery, with a maximum capacity of 10 megawatts (MW) of capacity interconnected at any point in time at the point of common

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Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive Program

The Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive Program (LDPLIP) provides rebates across the state to people who purchase or lease new light-duty motor vehicles powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (propane), or other electric drive (such as plug-in or plug-in hybrid), along with conversion systems for compressed natural gas or propane. For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit the program website.

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LoanSTAR Revolving Loan Program

The Texas LoanSTAR (Saving Taxes and Resources) low-interest revolving loan program finances energy-related cost reduction retrofits for state, public school, college, university, and non-profit hospital facilities. Borrowers repay loans through the stream of cost savings realized from their energy cost-reduction projects. The LoanSTAR Program Administrator should be contacted for information on current loan interest rates.

As of September 1, 2023, LoanSTAR has funded over 337 loans totaling over $600 million. 

Eligible Projects

Guidelines for project eligibility, fund availability and project funding and repayment are set forth in Comptroller rules ( 34 Tex Admin. Code 19.41-45)


Each April and

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Mandatory Renewable Energy Educational Materials

If an electric utility must construct a line extension for a customer, and the utility requires the customer to pay a Contribution in Aid to Construction (CIAC) or a pre-payment charge, or to sign a contract with a term of one year or longer, the utility must provide the customer with information about on-site renewable energy and distributed-generation (DG) technology alternatives. The information must be provided to the customer at the time of the CIAC estimate or pre-payment. This information must comply with guidelines established by the Public Utilities Commission of Texas (PUCT), and must be provided to the customer

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New Braunfels Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Rebate Programs

New Braunfels Utilities offer a variety of programs encouraging its customers to improve their home's energy efficiency. Rebates are available for a variety of residential and commercial applications, including the following:


  • AC checkups
  • Drought-tolerant trees
  • High-efficiency toilets/washing machines
  • Gardening guide rebates
  • AC/Heat pumps
  • Yard efficiency improvement projects
  • Programmable/Smart Thermostats
  • Solar
  • Rain barrels

A custom, tailored rebate program is also available. See website for details.

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New Braunfels Utilities - Residential Solar Water Heater Rebate Program

New Braunfels Utilities offers a rebate for residential customers who purchase and install solar water heating systems on eligible homes. A rebate of the equivalent of $0.265 per kWh is available to these customers. The maximum rebate amount is $900 for participating customers. Applicants must have an active residential electric service account with NBU in order to be eligible. Solar water heaters must preheat water for an electric water heater that is permanently installed and is the main water heating source. A contractors invoice or receipt must include documentation for all requirements as stated in the program guidelines.


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Oncor Electric Delivery - Commercial Solar Program

 Oncor Electric Delivery offers rebates to its customers that install photovoltaic (PV) systems on businesses in its service area. Oncor commercial customers are eligible to participate in the program. Rebates may be assigned to the customer, a service provider, or a third party.


A commercial customer's business must have electric delivery service provided by Oncor. Systems must be new, connected to the grid on the customer side of the meter and meet all applicable code and utility interconnection requirements. All installations must be performed by service providers who meet specific program eligibility requirements.

For more information, visit the program website.

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Oncor Electric Delivery - Commercial Standard Offer Rebate Program

Oncor provides incentives to service providers and self-sponsors who install eligible energy efficiency measures at facilities serviced by Oncor through their Commercial Standard Offer Program (CSOP). Independent companies/contractors are eligible to participate. The program is divided into deemed projects and measurement & verification projects. Deemed projects offer incentives to service providers who complete projects with deemed kilowatt and kilowatt-hour savings. Measurement & verification (M&V) projects offer incentives to service providers and self-sponsors who complete measures requiring measurement and verification. Oncor will pay service providers a fixed price per kilowatt and kilowatt-hour saved based on the estimate of useful life of

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Oncor Electric Delivery - Residential Solar Program

NOTE: Beginning September 1, 2021, PV systems must have an energy storage backup system to qualify for an incentive.

Oncor Electric Delivery offers rebates to its customers that install photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes in its service area. Oncor residential customers are eligible to participate in the program. Rebates may be assigned to the customer, a service provider, or a third party.


A residential customer's home must have electric delivery service provided by Oncor. Systems must be new, connected to the grid on the customer side of the meter and meet all applicable code and utility interconnection requirements. All

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Pedernales Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Pedernales Electric Cooperative offers equipment rebates to its members who install energy efficient HVAC equipment. Eligible equipment includes:

  • A/C Systems 
  • Ground-Source Heat Pumps
  • Dual Fuel Heat Pumps

The amount of the rebate varies according to which type of system is installed. The rebate only applies to replacement equipment, and both indoor and outdoor units must be replaced on the same installation date to be eligible for rebates. The replacement of those systems must include the outside condensing unit, indoor evaporator coil, fan section, and heating system (except those with a gas furnace). No partial replacement systems will be eligible for

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Renewable Energy Systems Property Tax Exemption

The Texas property tax code allows an exemption of the amount of 100% of the appraised property value increase arising from the installation or construction of a solar or wind-powered energy device that is primarily for the production and distribution of thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy for on-site use and devices used to store that energy.

Solar energy devices installed or constructed on or after January 1, 2014, used for a commercial purpose are subject to the cost method of appraisal, and the depreciated value must be calculated using a useful life of 10 years or less (H.B. 2500

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Renewable Generation Requirement

In 1999, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) adopted a rule, Goal for Renewable Energy (P.U.C. Substantive Rule 25.173), that sets the state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) based on a bill enacted by the Legislature as part of restructuring in Texas (see S.B. 7). Texas’s RPS mandates 5,000 megawatts (MW) of new renewables be installed in Texas by 2015 (for a cumulative net capacity of 5,880 MW of renewable energy, or 5.4% of the state's summer net capacity in 2012) and sets a target of 10,000 MW of renewable energy capacity by 2025. 

According to the annual

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Required Energy Efficiency Goals


Texas is credited with being the first state to establish an Energy Efficiency Resource Standard in the United States.* Originally, the goal called for investor owned utilities (IOUs) to meet 10% of its annual growth in electricity demand through energy efficiency. The legislature updated those standards in 2008 (HB3693) and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) finalized the goals and provided additional guidance on how to achieve them. SB1125 (2011) amended the goals again. Minor adjustments were made in Docket No. 48692 in 2019 related to cost recovery.

Electric Demand Reduction Standard

As a result of Senate Bill

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San Antonio City Public Service (CPS Energy) - Net Metering

Eligibility and Availability

Net metering is available to customers of CPS Energy. There is no aggregate capacity limit or maximum system size. There are also no commissioning fees or facilities charges for customers.

CPS Energy offers a rebate incentive to residential and commercial customers who enroll in net metering.

Net Excess Generation

At the end of each billing period, CPS Energy pays the customer-generator for net excess generation at its avoided cost rate via a credit to the monthly bill.

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San Antonio City Public Service (CPS Energy) - Renewable Portfolio Goal

In 2003 San Antonio's municipal electric utility CPS Energy established a renewable portfolio goal, which was increased in 2008 to meeting 20% of its electrical peak demand with renewable energy by 2020; CPS met the goal in 2017. (CPS Energy was not subject to the requirements of Texas's former renewable portfolio standard.) The City of San Antonio, under its 2019 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, has greenhouse gas emissions targets of 41% reduction compared to 2016 levels by 2030 and 71% reduction compared to 2016 levels by 2040, which the utility has agreed to pursue.

CPS Energy focuses on

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Sharyland Utilities - Residential Standard Offer Program

Sharyland Utilities offers the Residential and "Hard-to-Reach" Standard Offer Programs, which encourage residential customers to pursue energy saving measures and equipment upgrades in their homes.  "Hard-to-Reach" incentives are higher than the standard residential incentives, and are available to customers with total household income levels less than or equal to 200% of the current federal poverty guidelines.  Incentives in both programs are paid directly to energy efficiency service providers, also referred to as project sponsors, based on the energy savings achieved by implemented measures.  Energy savings may be determined by either the measure and verification method or Sharyland's "deemed savings" values

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Solar and Wind Energy Business Franchise Tax Exemption

Companies in Texas engaged solely in the business of manufacturing, selling, or installing solar or wind energy devices are exempt from the franchise tax. The franchise tax is Texas’s equivalent to a corporate tax. There is no ceiling on this exemption, so it can be a substantial incentive for solar and wind businesses.

For the purposes of this exemption, a solar energy device means "a system or series of mechanisms designed primarily to provide heating or cooling or to produce electrical or mechanical power by collecting and transferring solar-generated energy. The term includes a mechanical or chemical device that has

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Solar and Wind Energy Device Franchise Tax Deduction

Texas allows a corporation to deduct the cost of a solar energy device from the franchise tax in one of two ways:

  • The total cost of the system may be deducted from the company's taxable capital or,
  • 10% of the system's cost may be deducted from the company's income.  

Both taxable capital and a company's income are taxed under the franchise tax, which is Texas's equivalent to a corporate tax. 

For the purposes of this deduction, a solar energy device means "a system or series of mechanisms designed primarily to provide heating or cooling or to produce electrical or mechanical

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Texas Gas Service - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Texas Gas Service (TGS) offers a range of financial incentives to commercial customers who purchase and install energy efficient commercial equipment. Eligible categories for rebate includes food service equipment, water heaters, dryers and transportation. Direct install measures are also available through the TGS Commercial Direct Install Program. Purchased equipment must meet all TGS requirements for efficiency and installation. To be eligible for this incentive, customers must be on an applicable rate code.  Certain rebates are available only to customers in specified service areas. Contact TGS for more information on this offering.

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Texas Gas Service - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Texas Gas Service (TGS) offers incentives for its residential customers within central Texas to install energy efficient clothes dryers, dryer stubs, water heaters, solar water heaters, and natural gas (NG) furnaces. TGS also offers rebates for Energy Star Homes, provides free equipment for low-income homes, and offers water kits to all customers free of charge. 

In addition to the residential programs offered, TGS offers rebates for new construction projects through their Contractor Rebate Program. This rebate program offers incentives for NG clothes dryers, clothes dryer stub installation, tankless water heaters, solar water heaters and NG furnaces. 

A full listing of

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Texas Solar Rights

Property Owners' Associations (also known as Homeowners' Associations or HOAs) may not prohibit or restrict property owners from installing a solar energy device. There are, however, several exceptions that allow HOAs to enforce provisions that could prohibit the solar energy devices in certain situations.

Associations may prohibit solar energy devices if they are found to be illegal or violate public health and safety, as decided by a court. HOAs may prohibit or regulate solar on common property within the subdivision or property that is owned or maintained by the association. HOAs may also regulate (or prohibit) solar devices that are

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Texas State Energy Conservation Office - Industrial Energy Efficiency Program

SECO partners with Texas Industries of the Future (TIOF) to meet these objectives by offering specialized training, energy management forums and technology showcases. They also have developed targeted software tools to assist Texas manufacturers in evaluating energy-saving opportunities and their effects on air emissions.
Through its collaboration with TIOF and in partnership with the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE), SECO provides technical assistance and training for Texas industrial energy consumers. TIOF conducts conferences, workshops and forums, providing outreach to engineers and consultants in process industries on a variety of industrial energy-efficiency topics.
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Texas-New Mexico Power Company - Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Programs

Residential & Hard-to-Reach Programs

The primary objective of these programs is to achieve cost-effective reductions in peak demand through residential retrofits. Additional objectives of the programs include:

• encourage private sector delivery of energy efficiency products and services,

• achieve customer energy and cost savings,

• significantly reduce barriers to participation by streamlining program procedures, and

• encourage participation by a wide range of service providers.

Participating Project Sponsors market their services to customers and reach an agreement on which measures to be installed, the terms of the sale, price, and any other issues. After installation of agreed upon measures

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Texas-New Mexico Power Company - SCORE/CitySmart & Commercial Solutions Market Transformation Programs

Commercial Solutions

The Commercial Solutions Program is offered to any TNMP non-residential distribution customer, including retail, real estate, healthcare, hospitality and food service, manufacturing, and nonprofit organizations. Incentives are based on energy savings and awarded at the rates shown below. Beyond financial assistance, technical and communication support is provided to help participants identify energy efficiency opportunities, make informed financial decisions, successfully install energy-saving projects in their facilities and provide Press Releases to promote accomplishments.


The CitySmart Program is available to city, state, and federal government customers within the TNMP electric service territory. In addition to the incentives shown below

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Tri-County Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficient Water Heater Rebate Program

Tri-County Electric Cooperative offers a $75 rebate on the purchase of energy-efficient electric water heaters. The rebate is valid for new or replacement units which have an Energy Factor Rating of 0.90 or higher. The minimum tank size is 40 gallons, with a minimum 4,500 watt heating element. For validation purposes, a copy of the sales or installation receipt must accompany the application. More information, including contact information, may be found on the web site listed above.

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United Cooperative Services - EV Charging Station Rebate Program

United Cooperative Services offers Members who purchase a new level 2 EV charger a rebate of 50% up to $500.

Owners must also meet the following requirements:

  • Equipment must be new.
  • Must be a member of United (EV charger must be installed at a location served by United)
  • Member must sign up to receive "Beat the Peak" notifications via text messages.
  • Charging equipment must have programmable capability that can be set for delayed charge to avoid charging during peak hours (Peak Hours are 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. May-October).
  • United reserves the right to perform site visits to verify installation
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United Cooperative Services - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

United Cooperative Services offers a one-time rebate program for new home construction and retrofit upgrades. The following equipment/upgrades are eligible under United's Rebate Program:

  • Fuel Conversions
  • Air-Source Heat Pumps
  • Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Water Heaters
  • Attic Insulation
  • HVAC Systems/Tune-ups
  • Solar Screens
  • Electric Vehicle Chargers

Maximum incentives are capped at $1,200 per home. To be eligible for the rebate program, rebate forms and accompanying documentation must be submitted within 60 days of the completion of construction and/or installation. Additional equipment requirements and applications may be found on the web site listed above.

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Xcel Energy - Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program

The Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Programs provide incentives to "Project Sponsors" to install energy efficiency measures in Xcel's service area. Residential customers should contact a participating sponsor (awarded at the first of each calendar year) through the web site provided. Hard-To-Reach Customers are defined as customers with an annual household income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines, and who have properly completed a PUCT-approved income verification form. All payments to Project Sponsors are based on kW and kWh savings. Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Envelope measures
  • Cooling and Ventilation Measures/Projects
  • Heating Measures/Projects
  • Electric Water Heating Measures
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