Global Green Energy Corp
7920 Center St SW #103
Tumwater , 98501
United States
Business Type | Solar Equipment Manufacturers |
Types of Energy | Solar Electric PV |
Affiliations | ases, seia |
Fax | 360-491-9229 |
Website | |
Market | Residential Properties, Commercial Properties, Utility Scale Projects |
About |
Our Mission at GGEC is.... “To provide innovative, sustainable and locally manufactured renewable To adhere to sustainable and environmentally To promote and improve the health and well-being Global Green Energy Corporation manufactures solar photovoltaic equipment and SunMiner is the brand of solar equipment. The initial product is a new patentable design for a grid-tied DC-to-AC power Single Module Inverter (SMI).
Visit our SunMiner website and check out what is happening here with our company and crowd funding… Be a part of the excitement! |