Rebates list

Illinois Rebates and Incentives Summary


Illinois isn’t just in the middle of the country geographically. It’s smack dead center when it comes to solar energy. Solar Energy Industries ranks Illinois No. 25 in the nation for installed solar capacity. And the state is more or less on pace to hold its position. In 2014, Illinois installed 6 megawatts of solar capacity, which ranked it 27th for growth that year.

While maintaining a moderate position in the middle of the solar industry’s explosive growth, Illinois itself has seen substantial increases in its solar industry. More than 3,000 Illinois residents have jobs because of the state’s healthy solar industry, which saw a 165 percent increased financial investment year-over-year in 2014.

Much of the state’s solar industry growth can be credited to its forward-thinking policy. While the state hasn’t gone all out to build its solar status, it does have an aggressive renewable energy portfolio standard, requiring that the state’s utilities get 25 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2025.

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Adjustable Block Program (Illinois Shines)

Information for this program is taken from the Illinois Shines Program Guidebook and the 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan

The Illinois Shines Program is a state-administered solar incentive program created to facilitate the development of new photovoltaic distributed generation and community solar projects through the issuance of renewable energy credit delivery contracts. At least 50% of Illinois's solar REC procurement target must be supplied through this program.

Illinois Shines contains six program categories: 1) Small DG (less than or equal to 25 kW); 2) Large DG (greater than 25 kW up to 5 MW); 3) Traditional Community Solar; 4)

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Ameren Illinois (Electric & Gas) - Multi-Family Properties Energy Efficiency Incentives

The direct install segment is linked to participation in either the common area or major measures segments of the program. Building owners or operators are offered low cost lighting materials (LEDs), water conservation measures (high performance showerheads and aerators) and programmable thermostats. The program oversees the distribution and installation of materials upon the receipt of a signed agreement with the project site. Program field staff will be scheduled to perform the installation of product at the complexes.

The shell measure segment offers incentives for air sealing the shell of multifamily buildings. Incentives will be paid based on the total CFM reduction

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Ameren Illinois Distributed Generation Rebate Program

Ameren Illinois offers rebates for installation of DG systems. 

For DS-1 & DS-2 the rebate for inverters used to interconnect generators are $300/KW-DC, and the rebate available for inverters used to connect ESS is $300/KW-hour, and they're available to both customers with existing generation and/or ESS at their home/business and to customers who will be installing that equipment in the future.

For DS-3, DS-4 & DS-6 the rebate for inverters used to interconnect generators are $250/KW-DC, and the rebate available for inverters used to connect ESS is $250/KW-hour, and they're available to both customers with existing generation and/or ESS at

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Building Energy Code

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

Public Act 093-0936 (Illinois Energy Conservation Code for Commercial Buildings) was signed into law in August, 2004. The Illinois Energy Conservation Code for Commercial Buildings became effective April 8, 2006. This law requires all commercial construction for which a building permit application is received by a municipality or county to follow a comprehensive statewide energy conservation code. The

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City of Chicago - Building Energy Code

The Chicago Energy Conservation Code (CECC) requires residential buildings applying for building permits to comply with energy efficient measures which go beyond those required by the Illinois Building Energy Code. The applicability of the CECC to commercial construction was superseded when the state of Illinois adopted the more stringent IECC 2009 model code. Illinois state law in 2009 also mandated the IECC 2009 model code for residential buildings, but allowed for cities of home rule and more than 1,000,000 people (which includes Chicago) to adopt more stringent rules.

The CECC establishes standards to minimize solar energy absorbed by building roofs

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City of Chicago - Green Building Permit Programs

The City of Chicago encourages building design, construction, and renovation in a manner that provides healthier environments, reduces operating costs, and conserves energy. The Department of Buildings offers three programs for projects that include green elements, the Green Permit Benefit Tier Program, the Green Permit Program, and the Solar Express Program. The Green Permit Benefit Tier Program offers qualifying projects an expedited permit process and a possible reduction of permit fees. The Green Permit Program also offers projects with green elements (geothermal systems, green roofs, photovoltaic systems, rainwater harvesting systems, solar thermal panels, and wind turbines) a priority review process
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City of Chicago - Green Power Purchasing

On August 8th, 2022, Mayor Lightfoot announced an agreement to purchase 100% clean, renewable energy starting in 2025. They also have implemented the Chicago Climate Action Plan with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


In June 2001, the City of Chicago signed an agreement with Commonwealth Edison and the Environmental Resources Trust to purchase 20% of its electricity from clean, renewable resources by the end of 2005. Chicago reached this goal in 2008 with a purchase of 215 million kWh of wind and biomass energy from MidAmerican Energy.  The city's plan is to maintain that 20% level for the

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City of Chicago - Small Business Improvement Fund

SomerCor administers the Small Business Improvement Fund for the City of Chicago. The fund utilizes revenue from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and supports commercial and industrial properties.

SBIF provides grants to commercial businesses for 30%, 60%, or 90% of the costs of permanent building improvements such as storefront renovation building systems, interior remodeling, and roof replacement. Industrial businesses with 200 or fewer employees are eligible for grants covering 50 of the project cost.

Steps to apply

  1. Confirm your business is in a SBIF district
  2. Check which districts are open
  3. Review SBIF Eligibility requirements
  4. Review SBIF program rules
  5. Fill out an application and submit it to [email protected]

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City of Chicago - Solar Express Permit Program

In 2013, the City of Chicago streamlined and standardized the permitting and zoning process for rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Small and large rooftop PV generators can now access the City of Chicago Easy Permit Process. Qualifying projects can receive same-day permit approvals (a process that used to take 30 days) at a reduced fee of $275 (down from $375).

There are separate steps for small and large rooftop systems. Small rooftop solar PV systems are those generating less than 13.44 kilowatt (kW). Large rooftop solar PV systems are those generating greater than 13.44 kW. 

Along with the Easy Permit

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City of Chicago - Solar Zoning Policy

The City of Chicago has published a solar zoning policy to illustrate and streamline the requirements for zoning review of solar PV systems within the city. The published policy consists of guidelines and is not an ordinance; the City reserves the right to deny zoning approval to any PV system even if it meets the requirements listed in the policy.

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City Water Light and Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

City Water Light and Power (CWLP) offers rebates to Springfield residential customers for increasing the energy efficiency of participating homes. Rebates are available for geothermal heat pumps, air source heat pumps, water heaters, rain barrels and high efficiency toilets. CWLP requires a post installation inspection before awarding rebates for equipment. Visit the web site for more details and application forms. Rebates are available only to CWLP electric customers.

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ComEd - Distributed Generation Rebates

As required by Illinois law, Commonwealth Edison offers rebates for distributed generation installation. Rebates are available as follows:

  • For systems not owned by Residential or Under 100 kW Demand Class, or for Community Solar systems, the available rebate is $250 per kW
  • For these customers, an additional rebate of $250 per kW is available for installation of energy storage systems
  • For systems owned by Residential or Under 100 kW Demand Class customers, the available rebate is $300 per kW
  • For these customers, an additional rebate of $300 per kW is available for installation of energy storage systems

Receipt of a
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ComEd - Energy Efficiency Program for Residential

Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) offers residential customers rebates for certain energy efficiency upgrades and improvements. The lighting discount is administered as an off-the-shelf discount program where purchasers receive a discount on LED light bulbs from participating retailers (see website for listing). Through the Home Energy Savings program, technicians will perform a free energy assessment in homes, install free and discounted energy-saving products and provide energy efficiency recommendations. Condo owners and renters are encouraged to have their property manager or building owner contact ComEd about the multi-family program.



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Community Renewable Generation Project Rules

Note: Information on community renewable projects in Illinois is also listed in the Net Metering program entry.

Illinois's most recent rules for community renewable generation projects are derived from Public Act 102-0662 (titled the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act) of 2021.

Community solar projects are owned and operated by third parties, which offer subscriptions to individuals and businesses. Bill credits are provided by the electric utility at a rate which includes energy supply, transmission, and capacity values but excludes delivery service costs.

Incentives for community solar projects are provided through the Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All programs

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Community Solar Energy Sovereignty Grant Program

On March 6, 2024, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced the Community Solar Energy Sovereignty Grant Program. The program supports community-based organizations and technical service providers in low-income and historically disadvantaged communities to plan, develop and execute community solar projects. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM.

The goal of this grant program is to provide upfront seed capital funding to overcome barriers to project development caused by lack of capital in historically disadvantaged communities. The program prioritizes funding for

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Corn Belt Energy Coop - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Corn Belt Energy Corporation (CBEC), in association with the Wabash Valley Power Association, provides its customers various energy efficiency rebates. Customers of Corn Belt Energy can receive rebates for geothermal and air-source heat pumps as well as heat pump water heaters. To qualify for a rebate customers must follow all program procedures and comply with all efficiency standards. Check CBEC's website for specific program guidelines and rebate terms.
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Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

Illinois residents that purchase a new or used all-electric vehicle from an Illinois licensed dealer may be eligible for an Illinois' Electric Vehicle Rebate in the amounts set forth below.

  • A $4,000 rebate for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle that is not an electric motorcycle.
  • A $1,500 rebate for the purchase of an all-electric motorcycle.

Applicants must apply for the rebate during an open rebate cycle and within 90-days of vehicle purchase using the application forms available on this webpage during the open rebate cycle. The most recent rebate cycle opened November 1, 2023, and ran through January 31

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Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Fund

Beginning in June 2008, Illinois's two electric utilities with more than 100,000 retail customers (Ameren and Commonwealth Edison) are required to implement energy efficiency and demand response programs that cost effectively reduce their delivery load. Much like the state renewable portfolio standard (RPS), the goals of the program will increase incrementally each year. Energy efficiency and demand response are treated as separate within the overall program. Energy efficiency refers to reductions in gross energy use (i.e., Megawatt-hours per year), while demand response refers to reductions in peak demand. Demand response measures do not necessarily result in overall energy use reductions
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Energy Efficiency in State Government

State Green Building Standards
Illinois requires that all new state-funded construction or major renovations are required to seek LEED, Green Globes, or equivalent certification. The Green Buildings Act (July 2009) defines major renovations as projects with a budget of at least 40% of a building's replacement cost and makes the following requirements based on the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system:

  • New buildings and major renovations of less than 10,000 square feet must meet the highest LEED standard (or equivalent standard) that is practical. Certification is not required.
  • New buildings and renovations of
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Energy Resources Center - Energy Analysis

ERC can offer support and deliver a multi-year planning horizon analysis or a specific program analysis using the most sophisticated modeling tools available to help mitigate the amount of work involved to determine the cost effectiveness and budget allocation strategies to maximize the portfolio savings given the available budgets.
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Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Grants

Note: All grant applications for this cycle have closed. Updates will be posted in the future. For more information see the above website.

The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF) was established in December 1999 as an independent foundation with a $225 million endowment provided by Commonwealth Edison. The ICECF invests in clean-energy development and land-preservation efforts, working with communities and citizens to improve environmental quality in Illinois. The ICECF provides competitive grants to programs and projects that improve energy efficiency, develop renewable energy resources, and preserve and enhance natural areas and wildlife habitats in Illinois.

Net Zero Energy Wastewater

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Illinois Municipal Electric Agency - Electric Efficiency Program

The Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA) offers incentives through the Electric Efficiency program. These incentives are available to the membership (and members’ retail customers) of IMEA. The program year starts May 1st and ends April 15th Funds are allocated to IMEA members based on a prorated share of their electric purchases from the IMEA. Commercial/industrial and public-sector facilities served by members can apply for funds using the appropriate FY2023-24 application forms found on the website.

Eligible projects must be located in Illinois and receive electric service from the IMEA or an IMEA Member. Projects must produce electricity savings through
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Illinois PACE Financing Program

Note:  In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing

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Illinois Solar and Wind Rights

Illinois law prohibits homeowners' associations, common interest community associations and condominium unit owners' associations from preventing homeowners from using or installing solar energy systems. These associations may not deny homeowners permission to install solar energy systems, but they may specify the location of the solar energy system, as long as such specifications do not "impair the effective operation" of the system. In July 2011, the legislature enacted a bill (Public Act 97-0105) which added a provision for wind energy. A homeowner's association or similar entity may restrict wind energy devices altogether.

The law stipulates that associations must adopt an energy

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Illinois Solar for All Program

Information for this program is taken from the 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan

As part of its Renewable Portfolio Standard, Illinois operates two SREC purchase programs to support deployment of solar photovoltaic generation.

By offering more generous REC prices than the Illinois Shines program, the Illinois Solar for All program incents low-income residents (as well as non-profit and public facilities) to participate in solar projects, whether as a system owner, community solar project subscriber, or system host.

The Illinois Solar for All Program consists of four sub-programs: the Low-Income Single-Family and Small Multifamily Solar Incentive (also referred

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Improvement Valuation of Commercial Solar Energy Systems

Illinois uses a specific formula to value commercial solar energy systems for property tax purposes in counties with fewer than 3 million inhabitants. "Commercial" in this sense means that the system is used primarily to generate electricity for wholesale or retail sale, rather than referring to the customer class.

The valuation formula is calculated by substracting allowance for physical depreciation from the trended real property cost basis (set at $218,000 per MW of nameplate capacity in 2018, with adjustments for CPI inflation). More information is available here.

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Interconnection Standards

In August 2007, Illinois enacted legislation (S.B. 680) requiring the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to establish standards for net metering and interconnection for renewable energy systems by April 1, 2008. Although S.B. 680 only requires the promulgation of interconnection standards for "eligible renewable generating equipment," the ICC chose to take this opportunity to develop standards for all distributed generation up to 10 megawatts (MW). Final interconnection standards were adopted by the ICC in August 2008. In March 2010, the ICC established interconnection standards for Large Distributed Generation Facilities, or those over 10 MW. In December 2016, the ICC made

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Jo-Carroll Energy - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Jo-Carroll Energy Cooperative, Inc. (JCECI) offers a variety of rebates on energy efficient equipment to members receiving electric or natural gas service from JCECI. Both residential and commercial customers are eligible for incentives through this program. Rebates are available for the purchase and installation of qualifying ENERGY STAR rated washers, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, refrigerators, lighting, and window air conditioning units, as well as heat pumps, boilers, furnaces and natural gas water heaters. An appliance recycling rebate of $25 is also available, which rewards members for the proper recycling of older appliances. Applications for both electric and natural gas customers are available

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MidAmerican Energy (Gas) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

MidAmerican Energy offers a variety of incentives for residential customers to improve the energy efficiency of eligible homes. The program links below provide information on specific rebate amounts, efficiency, further details and requirements. After installing qualifying equipment, customers should submit a completed Equipment Rebate Application and a detailed invoice to MidAmerican. Heating and cooling dealers have a supply of Equipment Rebate Applications and will participate with customers. Applications must be postmarked by stated date in order to receive rebates.

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MidAmerican Energy - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

MidAmerican Energy offers a variety of incentives for residential customers to improve the energy efficiency of participating homes. Electric customers of MidAmerican Energy qualify for rebates or discounts on programmable thermostats, air source heat pumps, add-on heat pumps, ground-source heat pumps, central air conditioning units and room air conditioning units. The Residential Equipment Brochure on the program web site above provides specific rebate amounts, details and requirements. After installing qualifying equipment, customers should submit a completed Equipment Rebate Application and a detailed invoice to MidAmerican. Equipment must be purchased, installed and operating between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024

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Net Metering

Note: The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Illinois Public Act 102-0662) removed the 5% aggregate cap on net metering and replaced it with a threshold date of December 31, 2024. This law also raised the individual system size cap to 5 MW, although systems must still be sized to meet on-site electricity needs. As of December 31, 2024, for Commonwealth Edison and Ameren Illinois customers, and as of January 1, 2025 for MidAmerican Energy customers, retail rate net metering is no longer available for new customers; new customers are instead compensated using an hourly net billing formula that compensates excess

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North Shore Gas - Home Energy Jumpstart Program

North Shore Gas customers have opportunities to reduce energy usage with a FREE assessment that includes free and discounted products for your home. The Home Energy Jumpstart Program is offered in partnership with ComEd. Homeowners can reduce their energy and water use with free installation of these products, available to owners of single-family homes, two-flats and individually metered condos and townhomes. Renters are also eligible, with permission from their landlord. Schedule an appointment online or call 855-660-9378.
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North Shore Gas - Residential Rebate Program

The North Shore Gas Natural Gas Savings Program offers incentives to encourage customers to make energy-efficient improvements to their homes and apartment buildings. Rebates are available on energy efficient furnaces, boilers, water heaters, controls and insulation. To qualify, gas furnaces, boilers, and water heaters must be installed by professional contractors. Property owners of multifamily units may also participate in this program. A full list of eligible models and insulation and instructions on how to apply for the rebates can be found on the Natural Gas Savings Program web site. Applications must be made no later than 30 days after the

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Peoples Gas - Residential Rebate Program

Peoples Gas offers the Home Energy Rebate Program offers rebates for owners of single-family homes, two-flats, and individually metered condos, apartments, and townhomes. Rebates included for HVAC, water heater, and weatherization projects.

New equipment must be installed and old equipment removed. Only new products that meet the energy-efficiency specifications listed on the residential application qualify. Rebates may not exceed the project cost.

Complete terms and conditions can be found on the rebate applications. You must contact an approved weatherization contractor for the weatherization application (attic insulation, wall insulation, air sealing, and duct sealing). Effective Jan. 1, 2024, the maximum rebate
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Peoples Gas - Single Family Direct Install

Peoples Gas customers have opportunities to reduce energy usage with a FREE assessment that includes free and discounted products for your home. The Home Energy Jumpstart Program is offered in partnership with ComEd. Homeowners can reduce their energy and water use with free installation of these products, available to owners of single-family homes, two-flats, and individually metered condos and townhomes. Renters are also eligible, with permission from their landlord. Schedule an appointment online, or call 855-660-9378.


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Recycle My Fridge

The Illinois Municipal Electricity Agency (IMEA), a nonprofit organization representing 33 Illinois municipal and co-op electricity providers, administers the Illinois Recycle My Fridge program in combination with Appliance Recycling Centers of America (ARCA), Inc.

People who receive their electricity from an IMEA-member electric system may participate. The program will pick up up to two old, working refrigerators or freezers from the participant's home. The participant receives a $50 prepaid card for each qualifying refrigerator or freezer. The refrigerators and/or freezers must be secondary units (the units to be recycled may not be the home's primary refrigerator/freezer) and must be between

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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project Financing

The Illinois Finance Authority (IFA) is a state conduit issuer of tax-exempt bonds and credit enhancement for projects in Illinois. IFA funding is available to commercial and non-profit entities as long as those entities meet strict eligibility criteria. In 2012, the legislature also added schools and community colleges to the list of eligible entities for energy conservation funding. Entities seeking funding must demonstrate that their projects provide a significant public benefit for the citizens of Illinois. In 2009, the IFA was authorized by legislation (S.B. 1906 and S.B. 390) to provide funding via issuance of tax-exempt bonds for renewable energy

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Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund

According to § 20 ILCS 687/6-4, the statute this trust is under will be repealed on December 31, 2021. 

Illinois's 1997 electric-industry restructuring legislation created separate public benefits funds that support renewable energy and residential energy efficiency. The Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund (RERTF) supports renewables through grants, loans and other incentives administered by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). The funding mechanism was established for 10 years in January 1998. In August 2007, funding was extended through December 12, 2015.

Renewable-energy projects eligible for RERTF support include wind energy, solar-thermal energy, photovoltaics, dedicated crops

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Renewable Portfolio Standard

Note: Public Act 102-0662, the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA), enacted in September 2021, increased the RPS to require 50% renewable energy by 2040. This law also says that it is the policy of the state to rapidly transition to 100% clean energy by 2050.

Under CEJA, the 25% target by 2025 remains in place, and will increase by at least 3% each year from 2025 to 2030 until reaching 40% in 2030. Thereafter, the Illinois Power Agency will determine the specific increase each year, attempting to procure 50% by delivery year 2040, taking into account energy demand, other

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Residential On-Bill Financing Programs - Nicor Gas, North Shore Gas, Peoples Gas, Ameren and ComEd

The Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program, administered through Slipstream Energy Finance Solutions and funded by participating utilities, provides loans to customers of Ameren Illinois, ComEd, Nicor, North Shore Gas, and Peoples Gas. Fixed rate loan terms: 8.74% interest rate† for 1, 3, 5, 7‡ , and 10‡ years These on-bill financing loans are designed to be repaid through regular utility bill payments and typically target residential customers, although certain utilities will allow commercial participation.

Each utility has specific energy efficiency products that qualify for energy efficiency loans, as both gas and electric utilities are program participants. Generally, natural gas customers

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Sales Tax Exemption for Wind and Solar Energy - High Impact Business

A business establishing a new wind power facility in Illinois that is not located in an Enterprise Zone* may be eligible for designation as a "High Impact Business" (HIB). After receiving the designation, the facility is entitled to a full exemption of the state sales tax (6.25%) and any additional local state sales taxes (up to an additional 3.5%) for building materials incorporated into the facility. The project must involve a minimum of a $12 million investment creating 500 full-time jobs or an investment of $30 million causing the retention of 1,500 full-time jobs.

A wind power facility must be
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Solar Renewable Energy Credits

Note: The Illinois Power Agency's proposed 2016 procurement includes one-year SREC procurements of 34,207 SRECs for Ameren, 69,866 SRECs for ComEd, and 13,225 SRECs for MidAmerican. It also includes separate five-year distributed generation (DG) REC procurements of 7,767 DG RECs for Ameren,16,294 DG RECs for ComEd, 2,204 DG RECs for MidAmerican. See the IPA website and Docket 15-0541 for more information on procurement plans.

In August 2007, Illinois enacted legislation (Public Act 095-0481) that created the Illinois Power Agency (IPA). The agency’s purpose is to develop electricity procurement plans for investor-owned electric utilities (EUs) supplying over 100,000 Illinois customers to

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Special Assessment for Solar Energy Systems

Illinois offers a special assessment of solar energy systems for property tax purposes. When a claim for alternate valuation is filed, the chief county assessment officer is required to ascertain two values: the value of the improvements as if equipped with a conventional heating or cooling system and the value of the improvements as equipped with the solar energy system. The alternate valuation is the lesser of these two values.

Eligible equipment includes both active and passive solar energy systems. The exemption is not valid for equipment that is equally usable in a conventional energy system or for components that

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Statewide Renewable Energy Permitting Standards

In January 2023, Illinois adopted H.B. 4412, which requires counties and municipalities to adopt statewide standards for utility-scale solar and wind facilities.  Localities cannot have requirements that are more strict than the standards laid out in the law.

The law sets permissible:

  • Setback distances
  • Blade tip height limitations
  • Shadow flicker limitations
  • Solar fencing requirements
  • Solar height requirements
  • Sound limitations
  • Decommissioning requirements

The law also prohibits bans and moratoria on large-scale renewable construction, restrictions on supporting facilities that would preclude renewable development, and unreasonable permit fees. The law prevents localities from requiring property value guarantees or payment into a property devaluation

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Wabash Valley Power Association (23 Member Cooperatives) - Residential Energy Efficiency Program

Note: Rebates Available : 01/01/2023 - 02/29/2024

Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA) a not-for-profit cooperative that generates and transmits electricity to 23 rural co-ops across Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. View the WVPA membership webpage to view all participating members of the association. WVPA offers a number of rebates to residential customers of these member organizations. Rebates are available for heat pump water heaters, geothermal and air-source heat pumps, and HVAC equipment.

A signed application and installation invoice must be received by Wabash Valley Power within 60 days of the installation completion date. View the program web site listed above for

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