Program TVA Partner Utilities - Energy Right Heat Pump Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Kentucky
Administrator Tennessee Valley Authority
Website https://www.tva.gov/Energy/EnergyRightSolutions/EnergyRight-Solutions-for-Home/…
Sectors Residential

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) energy right Heat Pump Plan provides financing to promote the installation of high efficiency heat pumps in homes and small businesses. Installation, performance, and weatherization standards ensure the appropriate sizing of equipment and operation of the system. TVA maintains a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) from which customers can choose an installer. Through a third-party lender, TVA provides financing for residential heat pumps with repayment on the customer’s electric bill and a term of up to 10 years. The programs are independently administered by local power companies served by TVA.

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