Rebates list

Mississippi Rebates and Incentives Summary

MississippiNamed after the mighty river that bisects our great nation, home of the Port Gibson Heritage Festival, and birthplace of celebrities ranging from the wealthiest woman in the United States, Oprah Winfrey, to the sensational amphibian Kermit the Frog, Mississippi has had its share of success. It's also had its challenges. Hurricane Katrina caused enough damage to leave the state in a clean-up daze that has left the green economy in the “Magnolia State” singing the blues.

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill, caused by energy goliath British Petroleum (BP), has added to the woes of the Mississippi coastline. As a result, the state’s budget has been consumed with urgent matters that need attention now, relegating solar and other renewable energy ideas to the back burner.

Fortunately, Mississippi does have some policies in place to help keep the renewable energy market moving forward with incentives, rebates, and tax breaks that make installing renewable energy systems much more feasible.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has created a program called generation partners Green Power Switch (GPS) that encourages consumers to give back by providing incentives to install renewable energy systems offering to not only offset the cost of expensive energy bills, but to also provide a means for consumers to become producers, and sell their excess energy back to the TVA at very competitive prices.

By allowing residents to turn a profit on their environmentally conscious investment, renewable technology has become much more attractive, especially with programs like the energy investment loan program which allows consumers to borrow the money needed to purchase and build renewable energy installations at a fixed interest rate that is 3 percent less than the prime rate.

Mississippi currently does have some good green policies in place, but until it’s able to establish a Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, it will still be trailing the greater majority of the nation in progressive renewable technology and policy, the investors who wish to cash in on the new green revolution, and the jobs that would come with the production and maintenance of the new installations.


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Search Federal Programs, Rebates or Incentives

Atmos Energy (Gas) Industrial and Commercial Rebate Program

Atmos Energy Smart Choice appliance rebate program provides financial incentives to its large businesses, industrial, and commercial customers to purchase energy efficient appliances. Rebates are awarded on a first come, first serve basis until the funds are depleted. 


To be eligible the applicant must receive natural gas service from Atmos Energy in Mississippi. The applicant must be a an business or an industrial customer in Mississippi. 

Program description

To receive the rebate, the customers must first purchase and install an eligible equipment and submit the application form available in the program website within 30 days of purchase or service

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Atmos Energy (Gas) Residential Appliance Rebate Program

Atmos Energy's SmartChoice Appliance Rebate program provides its natural gas customers in Mississippi financial incentives to purchase eligible energy efficient appliances. Incentives are available for qualified furnaces, water heaters, clothes dryers, and thermostat that are fueled by natural gas. The program also offers energy audit and an energy saving kit at no additional cost to the participating customer. Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until the funds are depleted. 


To be eligible for the program, the qualifying equipment must be installed in a Mississippi home that receives natural gas service from Atmos Energy. 

Program description

The program offers a

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Building Energy Code

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

Mississippi's existing state code is based on the 1977 Model Code for Energy Conservation (MCEC). The existing law does not mandate enforcement by localities, and any revised code will probably require adoption by local jurisdictions. To adopt the code at the local level, the local government must adopt it through a vote of the city council or county

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Entergy Mississippi - Residential Demand Response Battery Incentive Program

Note: Incentive suspended pending further investigation by the Mississippi PSC according to an order filed in early April 2024 (See Docket No. 2023-UN-16).

Entergy Mississippi offers customers a one-time $2,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a UL 1741-certified battery storage system.

The utility also offers the Low-to-Moderate Income Residential Incentive Program, but customers are only allowed to choose one of the two incentives, and no incentive will be available beyond 2027. 

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Entergy Mississippi Low-to-Moderate Income Residential Incentive Program

Note: Incentive suspended pending further investigation by the Mississippi PSC according to an order filed in early April 2024 (See Docket No. 2023-UN-16).

Entergy Mississippi offers low-to-moderate income residential customers a one-time $3,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a renewable distributed generation facility with a capacity of at least 4 kW-DC (and one that does not generate more than 110% of the customer's year annual peak demand). 

The utility also offers the Residential Demand Response Battery Incentive Program, but customers are only allowed to choose one of the two incentives, and no incentive will be available beyond 2027.

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Entergy Mississippi- Residential Energy Efficiency Program

Entergy Mississippi offers a variety of rebates and incentives for energy efficient equipment for residential customers. The offerings are separated into 4 categories, A Direct Install Program, A/C Tune-up program, Heating and Cooling Equipment, and Appliances. Incentives for each program vary based on the efficiency of the product. Contact Entergy Mississippi or see the program website for more information.

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Interconnection Standards

In December 2015, the Mississippi Public Service Commission (PSC) established net metering in the State accompanied by interconnection standards for distributed generator facilities. 


The standards apply to all the investor-owned utilities in Mississippi under the jurisdiction of the PSC. The cooperatives are required to file a net metering program and interconnection standard that is consistent with the rules set forward by the PSC. Cooperatives that participate in the TVA-sponsored net metering program are exempt from the rule. Interconnection request applications will be made available on the electric utility’s website. 

All the distributed generation facilities must be capable of being isolated

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Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative

In April 2010, the Mississippi Legislature enacted HB 1701, establishing the Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative. This program provides an incentive for companies that manufacture systems or components used to generate renewable energy, including biomass, solar, wind, and hydro generation. Alternative energy manufacturers, including manufacturers of components used in nuclear power plants, are also eligible for this incentive. This program allows the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) to certify these manufacturers for a tax exemption.

Eligible manufacturers are offered a 10-year exemption from state income and franchise taxes as well as a sales and use tax exemption to establish a plant

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Mississippi Power (Electric) - Residential Loan Program

Mississippi Power offers loans to residential customers to help pay for energy efficiency upgrades. The loan can be used for heat pumps, heating & cooling systems, electric water heaters, electric cooling if included with electric heat or electric hot water heating, thermal improvements, duct sealing and infiltration control insulation, storm doors, and Energy Star windows. Interest rates can be as low as 9.9% and the term can be 2, 4, 5 or 6 years. The web site contains an application that must be filled out and either faxed or mailed to Mississippi Power. See the program web site for loan

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Mississippi Power - Battery Storage Incentive Program

Note: Incentive suspended pending further investigation by the Mississippi PSC according to an order filed in early April 2024 (See Docket No. 2023-UN-16).

Mississippi Power offers customers a one-time $2,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a UL 1741-certified battery storage system.

The utility also offers the Low-to-Moderate Income Residential Incentive Program, but customers are only allowed to choose one of the two incentives, and no incentive will be available beyond 2027.

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Mississippi Power - In-home Energy Checkup Program

Mississippi Power offers Energy Checkup Program that provides an inspection of residential home's insulation, appliances, lighting, and heating and air equipment. Along with inspections, the program also provides installation of no-cost energy-saving devices such as LED bulbs, smart power strips, and faucet aerators. Instant discounts for insulation, air sealing, or duct sealing are also available. $75 is provided by Mississippi Power to offset the cost of the assessment. 

Eligible residential customers include homeowners living in a single-family home or multifamily unit of two units or fewer, and the home has to be at least a year old.

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Mississippi Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Mississippi Power offers rebates to its residential customers to help offset the cost of a variety of energy-saving measures, including window A/C units, smart thermostats, insulation, water heaters and pool pumps. Mississippi Power also offers additional rebates for a wide range of used, new and leased electric vehicles. Visit the program website for more information.

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Mississippi Power Low-to-Moderate Income Residential Incentive Program

Note: Incentive suspended pending further investigation by the Mississippi PSC according to an order filed in early April 2024 (See Docket No. 2016-UN-33).

Mississippi Power offers low-to-moderate income residential customers a one-time $3,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a renewable distributed generation facility with a capacity of at least 4 kW-DC (and one that does not generate more than 110% of the customer's year annual peak demand). 

The utility also offers the Battery Storage Incentive Program, but customers are only allowed to choose one of the two incentives, and no incentive will be available beyond 2027. 

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Net Metering

NOTE: Although this entry is categorized as net metering, the policy adopted by the Mississippi PSC does not meet DSIRE's definition of net metering, as excess generation is not netted one-to-one against consumption over the billing period. 

The Solar for Schools programs were suspended pending further investigation by the Mississippi PSC according to an order filed in early April 2024 (See Docket No. 2023-UN-16)

In December 2015, the Mississippi Public Service Commission (PSC) established a method to compensate and incentivize behind-the-meter electricity generation in the state. The rule requires all the investor-owned electric utilities* in the state to allow their customers

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Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association provides incentives through its Comfort Advantage Program to encourage energy efficiency within the residential sector. Rebates are available for heat pumps and electric water heaters in both new and existing homes. However, higher rebates are offered if a home meets the standards of a Comfort Advantage Home. Such homes must be new and feature:

  • Flat ceiling insulation of R-30 or higher
  • Roof/ceiling combination insulation of R-19 or higher
  • Wall insulation of R-18 or higher
  • Floor insulation of R-19 or greater
  • Double glazed or stormed windows
  • Glass area less than 20% of total floor area
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Singing River Electric Power Association - Comfort Advantage Home Program

Singing River Electric Power Association provides rebates on energy efficiency measures in new homes and existing homes through its Comfort Advantage program. This program is centered around the use of an energy efficiency heat pump. Singing River Electric's professionals can help to review plans and advise customers prior to building new homes or buying heat pumps. Visit the program website for more information.

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Southern Pine Electric Power Association - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Southern Pine Electric Power Association offers the Comfort Advantage Home Program which provides incentives for new homes or renovations for greater energy efficiency. Southern Pine Electric Power Association will send a cooperative representative to verify that the home meets the program's standards for energy efficiency. Request an inspection at the website link above.

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TVA - Green Power Providers

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and participating power distributors of TVA power offer a performance-based incentive program to homeowners and businesses for the installation of renewable generation systems from the following qualifying resources: PV, wind, hydropower, and biomass. The long term Green Power Providers program replaces the Generation Partners* pilot program. The energy generated from these renewable generation systems will count towards TVA's green power pricing program, Green Power Switch.

The Green Power Providers program contract term is 20 years. Generation credit will be paid at the following flat rates for the entirety of the 20-year contract:

•Residential/GSA-1 customers with system

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TVA - Mid-Sized Renewable Standard Offer Program

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) now compliments the small generation Green Power Providers Program by providing incentives for mid-sized renewable energy generators between 50kW and 20MW to enter into long term price contracts. The goal for total production from all participants is 100MW, with no more than 50MW from any one renewable technology. The Renewable Standard Offer program also includes Solar Solution Initiative program that offers additional financial incentives for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) projects. 

TVA bases the standard offer for customer generators off of a seasonal time-of-day averages chart, which sets base prices for the term of the

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TVA - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

TVA offers a variety of rebates to local power company and TVA direct-served residential customers who purchase and install various energy-saving technologies. Eligible technologies include heat pumps, water heaters, duct/air sealing, insulation, and window replacement. All rebate-eligible home energy services or projects must be completed by members of the TVA EnergyRight Quality Contractor Network. 

In-person home energy evaluations are offered through participating local power companies. See program website for details regarding specific equipment requirements. 

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TVA - Solar Solutions Initiative

Solar Solutions Initiative (SSI) is a pilot program that offers additional financial incentives for Solar PV systems participating in the Renewable Standard Offer program. Applications for new projects for the year 2015 opened on January 2, 2015. Participants applying for the Solar Solutions Incentive program are required to apply through the Renewable Standard Offer program.

The program offers performance based incentive of $0.04/kWh for the first 10 years after the project is operational. This incentive is additional to the seasonal and time-of-day price for electricity offered through the Renewable Standard Offer program.

The total capacity for the program

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TVA Partner Utilities - Energy Right Heat Pump Program

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) energy right Heat Pump Plan provides financing to promote the installation of high efficiency heat pumps in homes and small businesses. Installation, performance, and weatherization standards ensure the appropriate sizing of equipment and operation of the system. TVA maintains a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) from which customers can choose an installer. Through a third-party lender, TVA provides financing for residential heat pumps with repayment on the customer’s electric bill and a term of up to 10 years. The programs are independently administered by local power companies served by TVA.

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