
MissouriMissouri has plenty of famous landmarks, from the St. Louis Arch to the lush Ozarks. So why not make the state famous for leading the way toward clean energy in the southern United States, as well? While some programs have been set up to help guide Missouri to increased solar power usage, the state still has a ways to go to catch up with some of its neighbors. By 2020, 11 percent of Missouri’s energy needs are to be met by renewable sources, but the legislature has not determined which sources will count toward this goal.

Net metering has recently become available for homeowners with solar panels, and applies to any photovoltaic system 100 kW or less. The energy you generate pays off as credits on the following month’s energy bill, but unfortunately, excess credits are donated to the utility company at the end of the year. Additionally, Missouri offers property tax deductions for homeowners, loans for schools and institutions, and rebate programs for using solar energy equipment through some utilities companies.


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