Program New Jersey Comfort Partners Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State New Jersey
Administrator Utilities oversee program individually
Website http://www.njcleanenergy.com/residential/programs/comfort-partners/comfort-part…
Budget Not specified
Sectors Residential

NOTE: This program is available through June 30, 2023 or while funds last.

The New Jersey Comfort Partners Program is a free program that helps income-eligible customers reduce their utility bills through implementing cost effective measures which save energy and money while improving their home's safety and comfort at no cost to them. The Comfort Partners Program is available to any New Jersey home with significant energy use. At this time, your income must be at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines even if you participate in a federal / safety net partnership program. The Comfort Partners Program takes a comprehensive approach to energy savings, including considering efficiency, building performance, and health and safety issues.

Homeowners must own their homes for a minimum of one year; be the ratepayer of record with the electric or gas utility; live in a building with 1-14 units (homes that are 0 – 5 years old or under builder’s warranty are excluded). Ineligible customers will be referred to another assistance program for which they may qualify. For further details, including information about program enrollment and income guidelines for the current year, interested parties should visit the program website listed at the top of this page.

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