Program El Paso Electric Company - Residential Efficiency Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State New Mexico
Administrator El Paso Electric Company
Website https://www.epesaver.com/residential-comprehensive/
Sectors Residential

EPE offers incentives to residential customers in its New Mexico service territory that purchase and install high efficiency equipment for residential use. Some incentives, including insulation, vary depending on the type, size, original efficiency, and end efficiency of the installation. 

Qualified contractors must install certain equipment to qualify customers for rebates. Once equipment is installed, complete application form and submit with a copy of your receipt or contractor invoice to the address on the Rebate Application Form. Receipts and invoices need to clearly indicate equipment specifics, including efficiency and model number. Customers should carefully review the rebate documents and program requirements before purchasing a system. Efficiency and performance standards of equipment must meet minimum program requirements. Contractors and customers can call the utility or a program representative for more information.

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