Program New Mexico - Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State New Mexico
Administrator Energy, Mineral and Natural Resources Department, Energy Conservation and Management Division
Website https://clean.energy.nm.gov/programs/hear/
Budget $43,742,970.00
Start Date
Sectors Residential

Note: The Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) created the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program. The IRA established the main parameters for this program, but allowed the states to customize the program to meet their state-specific needs. The program is designed to award rebates for purchase of qualifying home electrification equipment and appliances. Residents earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) can receive the full rebate amount, and residents earning between 80% and 150% AMI can receive a partial rebate. See summary below and program website for complete details.

New Mexico is launching the HEAR program in phases. As of December 2024, only the Insulation rebate is available. Residents can sign up to receive updates, or visit the program website for more information.

The New Mexico Energy Conservation and Management Division of the Energy, Mineral, and Natural Resources Department will receive $44 million in federal funding for the HEAR Program. Incentives are available to owners of single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, or townhomes who earn less than 80% of their county’s AMI or who participate in certain state or federal benefit programs. Renters with landlord permission, landlords/owners of multi-unit properties, and landlords/owners of multi-story buildings with shared walls may also be eligible, and can expect eligibility to participate by the end of 2024.

The maximum rebate per address is $14,000. When applicable, technologies must be ENERGY STAR certified and/or installed by an authorized program contractor.

Currently available technologies include:

  • Insulation, Air Sealing, and Ventilation: Wall, Ceiling/Attic, Floor, and Foundation Insulation (up to $1,600)

Future eligible technologies include:

  • Appliances: Heat Pump Clothes Dryer (up to $840, one per household); Electric or Induction Cooktop, Stove, Range, or Oven (up to $840, one per household); Heat Pump Water Heater (up to $1,750)
  • Insulation, Air Sealing, and Ventilation: Air Sealing Upgrades (up to $1,600)
  • Heating and Cooling: Central (Ducted) or Un-Ducted (Mini-Split) Air Source Heat Pump Systems (up to $8,000); Un-Ducted (Mini-Split) Air Source Heat Pumps (up to $8,000)
  • Electric Upgrades: Electric Service Panel Load Upgrade (up to $4,000); Electric Wiring (up to $2,500)

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