
Dominion Virginia Energy - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot Program

The Smart Charging Infrastructure Pilot (or “SCIP”) Program supports electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Virginia and will inform the design of managed charging programs and other EV customer offerings in the future. The SCIP Program provides rebates for qualifying EV charging stations, charging infrastructure and installation, commonly referred to as “make-ready,” and network fees. 

Rebates Available

Rebates vary depending on the number of chargers per site, for more information on rebates visit here.

  • Multifamily: $4,000 rebate for dual port level 2 smart charging stations; $11,000 for make-ready
  • Workplace: $2,700 rebate for dual port
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Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Tax Credit

Note: Section 13401 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376) modified this tax credit for electric vehicles place into service after December 31, 2022. 

Vehicles placed into service prior to January 1, 2023:

The federal government provides a tax credit for the purchase of a new all electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. To qualify, the vehicle must be made by a manufacturer, have a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 14,000 pounds, and be propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor which draws electricity from a battery which has a capacity

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

2021 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $500 rebate on the purchase of Level 2 Charger. To qualify, the charger must be installed for workplace or public use.

According to Drive Electric Vermont, the number of EVs on the road has increased by 26% in the last year. As of July 2019, there were 3,288 electric vehicles registered in 88% of Vermont communities. With the state of Vermont offering an income-based EV incentive, and several electric utilities offering EV incentives of their own, driving electric is becoming an attractive and affordable option. Installing a

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate

Electric Vehicle Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for the following rebates on new and pre-owned electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids: 

  • $1,000 back for a new all-electric vehicle
  • $500 back for a new plug-in hybrid
  • $500 back for a pre-owned all-electric vehicle
  • $250 back for a pre-owned plug-in hybrid

Income-qualifying customers may receive an additional $400 on a new electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid.

In order to qualify you will need the following:

  • Proof of purchase or lease
  • Vermont vehicle registration
  • Copy of electric bill
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form if requesting a
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Vermont Electric Coop - Electric Vehicle Purchase Bill Credit

Vermont Electric Cooperative Electric Vehicle Bill Credit

Both All Electric Vehicles (AEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) offer opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, and the technology continues to improve with better range and cold-weather performance. Is an electric vehicle right for you? Click here to learn more from Drive Electric Vermont. To get the bill credit, complete and submit this form.

VEC offers the following bill credits for the purchase or lease of new or used AEVs or PHEVs:

  • $500 - All Electric Vehicle Purchase
  • $250 - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Purchase
  • $100/year - All Electric Vehicle Lease
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Vermont Electric Coop - EV Charging Station Bill Credit

Vermont Electric Coop 

VEC is offering a $250 bill credit for the purchase of a home Level II electric vehicle charger. VEC also offers a $500 bill credit per connection ($500 for a 1-head charger, $1,000 for a 2-head charger) with a $2,000 maximum per member for public charging stations. These incentives are designed to help members purchase and install a Level II charger and avoid charging at times when electricity costs are highest.

Level II Elective Vehicle Charge Stations

Level 2 charging uses 240 volt power to enable faster regeneration of an EV’s battery system. Providing this type of

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Stowe Electric - Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate

Electric Vehicle Rebate

Stowe Electric is partnering up with the state to provide incentives of up to $4,000 to make electric vehicle purchases and leasing more affordable. An additional incentive of $250 is offered for low-to-moderate income customers. Customers eligible for rebates of $600 or more will be required to submit a W-9 form with the rebate application. 

Purchase/Lease Rebates for New Vehicles

  • $750 - New All-Electric (EV)
  • $750 - New Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)
  • $300 - Additional Incentive for income-qualifying customers

Purchase Rebates for Pre-Owned Vehicles

  • $300 - Pre-owned All-Electric
  • $300 - Pre-owned Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)

See the 2023 form

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Indiana Michigan Power - EV Incentive

Indiana Michigan Power offers incentives to residential, small commercial and commercial/industrial/multifamily customers to install electric vehicle charging stations. Basic descriptions of these incentives can be found below.


$500 for joining the program. I&M’s incentive helps offset the cost to set up or retrofit your current charger configuration to measure off peak PEV charging. PEV charging from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am daily will be discounted 45% from our standard residential per kWh rate.

Small Commercial

Existing small-commercial customers who average less than 4,500 kWh per month are eligible for a $500 incentive and a discounted off-peak rate up to

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