
Tucson Electric Power - Home EV Chargers Rebate

Electric Vehicles (EVs) provide powerful environmental and economic benefits for the community. As such, Tucson Electric Power offers rebates for owners of electric vehicles. For residential customers, a rebate that covers up to 75% of the cost of installing an electric vehicle charger can be obtained. For more information, visit the program website.

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Chugach Electric - Residential EV Charging Program

In order to further its understanding of where on its system 240-volt residential EV charging is occurring, Chugach Electric is offering a $200 bill credit to residential members who provide information about charging EVs at their home. This credit is per charger, not per member. Visit the program website for more information.

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Vermont New Electric Vehicle Incentive Program

Note: Those replacing a flood-damaged vehicle by the end of the year may receive an additional $1,000 bonus incentive until February 29, 2024.

The State of Vermont offers a variety of incentives for purchasers of new plug-in electric vehicles and all-electric vehicles. Incentives are available for plug-in electric vehicles that are sold or leased as new with an MSRP of $50,000 or less. Incentives vary by tax filing status. For more information, visit the program website.

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Mileage Smart Program

Note: Vermonters replacing a flood-damaged vehicle as a result of the 2023 flooding event may receive the full $5,000 incentive

The Mileage Smart Program allows residents of the state of Vermont to receive up to $5,000 towards the purchase of a used hybrid or electric vehicle. For more information, visit the program website.

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Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program

The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program is offered to Pennsylvania residents and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funding is available. For more information, visit the program website.

The rebate applies to new purchases of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and electric motorcycles (excluding scooters and e-bikes) with a final purchase price up to $50,000. Used vehicles with fewer than 75,000 miles, purchased from a dealer for less than $50,000 are also eligible for the rebates.

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Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Fund

Beginning in June 2008, Illinois's two electric utilities with more than 100,000 retail customers (Ameren and Commonwealth Edison) are required to implement energy efficiency and demand response programs that cost effectively reduce their delivery load. Much like the state renewable portfolio standard (RPS), the goals of the program will increase incrementally each year. Energy efficiency and demand response are treated as separate within the overall program. Energy efficiency refers to reductions in gross energy use (i.e., Megawatt-hours per year), while demand response refers to reductions in peak demand. Demand response measures do not necessarily result in overall energy use reductions
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Sustainable Energy Utility

The Delaware Sustainable Energy UtilityThe Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (DESEU) was created in June, 2007 to serve as the "one-stop-shop" for sustainable energy services in Delaware. Through Energize Delaware, the state enables all energy end-users, regardless of market segment, fuel use, or utility service, to have access to incentives for renewable and efficient energy technologies. DESEU manages programs targeting energy efficiency, low income energy use, customer-sited renewable energy, alternative fuel vehicles and clean transportation, and green building. The DESEU also manages the Green Energy Fund in cooperation with the Delaware Energy Office. In 2019, Delaware had a net
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Low-Income and Energy Efficiency Fund (LIEEF)

The Low-Income and Energy Efficiency Fund (LIEEF), a statewide public benefits fund, is administered by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC). Michigan's largest utilities, Detroit Edison, Consumers Energy, and Michigan Consolidated Gas Company (MichCon), contribute to the fund with money obtained through customer charges. Using LIEEF funding, the MPSC issues periodic requests for proposals (RFPs) for prospective projects. The purpose of the LIEEF is to provide energy assistance for low-income customers, to provide conservation and efficiency measures to reduce energy use and energy bills of low-income customers, and to promote energy efficiency among all customer classes. Yet, the MPSC emphasizes

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