
Seventhwave (formerly Energy Center of Wisconsin) - Back of the Envelope Calculator

The Back of the Envelope Calculator is a learning tool that allows anyone to interact with a building as an energy system. They can see real-time energy connections between building components, isolate the effects of changing a single energy parameter, or produce concept-level energy and CO2 emissions estimates.
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Central Electric Cooperative - Net Metering

CEC members who generate their own electricity using solar, wind, fuel cells, or hydroelectric power may interconnect with CEC’s electric grid by entering into a Net Metering Agreement with CEC. Net Metering means that the Customer-generator will only be billed for the difference in what the customer uses and what they generate during a billing month. The agreement is a formal contract that spells out the responsibilities of Customer-generator and CEC when customers wish to send electricity back onto CEC’s grid.
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Missouri River Energy Services - Bright Energy Solutions

Bright Energy Solutions is a unique portfolio of energy efficiency cash-incentive programs that will help residential and business customers reduce their electric energy costs and operate more efficiently. The program is offered to residential and business customers of participating municipal utilities who are members of Missouri River Energy Services.

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Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation - Renewable Energy Fund

The Renewable Energy Fund (REF) provides grants and loan opportunities for eligible renewable energy technologies for preliminary feasibility studies as well as direct residential, commercial, and municipal installations. Funding is also offered for new renewable energy business ventures and innovative development. The fund is supported by a surcharge on electric customers' bills. The REF program is currently administered by the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation with the Office of Energy Resources providing assistance in development of the rules and regulations and evaluation of submitted REF applications. The new REF rules and regulations were approved by the Economic Development Corporation Board in
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