Solar Thermal Electric

Michigan Saves - Home Energy Loan Program

Michigan Saves financing is financial capital made available to customers through a network of lenders that offer favorable terms based on a negotiated contract. This program helps Michigan families and households reduce costs by financing air sealing, heating and cooling systems, insulation, appliances, and more. Homeowners make the upgrades with the help of authorized contractors through an authorized lending partner.

Homeowners are eligible for rates ranging from 4.44% to 7.90% APR, though most customers finance at 5.50% APR. Terms are available up to 15 years with loan amounts ranging from $1,000 to $50,000. Actual rates, terms, and loan amounts vary

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City of Phoenix - Renewable Energy Goal

In 2008, the Phoenix City Council approved a renewable energy goal for the city. The city aims for 15% of the electricity used by the city to come from renewable energy sources by 2025. This goal mirrors Arizona's Renewable Energy Standard of 15% of electricity from renewable energy by 2025. The city plans to achieve this goal through renewable energy installations that are either city-owned or city-sponsored, primarily through public-private partnerships. The city council will periodically review progress towards meeting the goal and will set milestones to track progress. The Environmental Quality Commission and Public Works Department collaborated to develop

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Marin Clean Energy - Feed-In Tariff

Assembly Bill 117, passed in 2002, allows communities in California to aggregate their load and to procure electricity from their own preferred sources. Under the authority of this law, California’s first community choice aggregator, Marin Clean Energy (MCE), was launched in May of 2010. The Marin Energy Authority comprises each city and town in Marin as well as the communities of Belvedere, Fairfax, Mill Valley, San Anselmo, San Rafael, Sausalito, Tiburon, and the County of Marin. The original legislation mandated that the customers of each supporting community would automatically be enrolled in Marin Clean Energy unless they chose not to

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Sales and Use Taxes for Items Used in Renewable Energy Industries

Connecticut enacted legislation in May 2010 (H.B. 5435) that established a sales and use tax exemption for equipment, machinery and fuels used to manufacture solar thermal (active or passive) systems, solar electric systems, wind-power electric systems, or geothermal resource systems.

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N. Mariana Islands - Renewables Portfolio Standard


The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands enacted its Renewables Portfolio Standard in September 2007, in which a certain percentage of its net electricity sales must come from renewable energy. The law was amended in 2014 to a lower target, as previous targets were not met. Under the law, the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC), the Islands' only and semi-autonomous public utility provider, must establish a renewable portfolio standard of:

  • 20% of net electricity sales on or before December 31, 2016

There are stipulations within the law that allow for non-compliance if there is no "cost-effective" way to meet the

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Fix-Up Loan

The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency's (MHFA) Fix-up Loan provides low-interest financing for energy conservation and other basic improvements to residential properties. A higher loan amount may be available for improvements that enhance the accessibility of the home for a disabled family member. Loans are available for up to $25,000. To be eligible for the loan, the home must be occupied by the property owner. 

Another key feature of the MHFA home improvement loan program is the opportunity for homeowners to contract with approved lenders directly. Find a participating lender at this link.

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USDA - High Energy Cost Grant Program

NOTE: The most recent solicitation for this program closed July 6, 2021. Please check the program website for information on future solicitations.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers an ongoing grant program for the improvement of energy generation, transmission, and distribution facilities in rural communities. This program began in 2000. Eligibility is limited to projects in communities that have average home energy costs at least 275% above the national average. Retail power suppliers serving rural areas are eligible to apply for grant funding, including non-profits (cooperatives and limited dividend or mutual associations), commercial entities, state and local governments entities

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Qualified Energy Property Tax Exemption for Projects over 250 kW (Payment in Lieu)

The Qualified Energy Project Tax Exemption

This program provides owners (or lessees) of renewable energy projects with an exemption from the public utility tangible personal property tax. A person may apply to the director of development for certification of an energy project as a qualified energy project on or before December 31, 2024, for an energy project using renewable energy resources

For Whom
In order to qualify, the owner or lessee subject to sale leaseback transaction must apply to the Ohio Department of Development on or before December 31, 2024 for renewable energy projects.

Large projects (above 20 mega-watts) require
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Interconnection Standards

In 2006, West Virginia stakeholders came together to consider net metering, interconnection as required by the Federal Energy Policy Act (2005) and agreed upon a "Statement of Consensus Among Parties," which was presented to and accepted by the West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC) in December 2006. The consensus agreement did include interconnection guidelines for the state, however, the PSC did not initiate a formal rule-making or incorporate the guidelines into agency rules. Rather, the interconnection guidelines were incorporated into utility net metering tariffs (which are proposed by the utilities). In 2010, the PSC opened a docket to reconsider net
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Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative

In April 2010, the Mississippi Legislature enacted HB 1701, establishing the Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative. This program provides an incentive for companies that manufacture systems or components used to generate renewable energy, including biomass, solar, wind, and hydro generation. Alternative energy manufacturers, including manufacturers of components used in nuclear power plants, are also eligible for this incentive. This program allows the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) to certify these manufacturers for a tax exemption.

Eligible manufacturers are offered a 10-year exemption from state income and franchise taxes as well as a sales and use tax exemption to establish a plant

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