Solar Thermal Electric

Advanced Energy Tax Credit (Corporate)

Note: The deadline for qualifying for this tax incentive was 12/31/2015. This summary is here for informational purposes only.

A taxpayer that holds an interest in a qualified generating facility located in New Mexico and that files a New Mexico corporate income tax return may claim an advanced energy corporate income tax credit in an amount equal to 6% of the eligible generation plant costs of a qualified generating facilities (see § 7-2A-25).

“Eligible generation plant costs" means expenditures for the development and construction of a qualified generating facility, including costs related to permitting, site characterization and assessment, engineering, design, and site

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Massachusetts LEED Plus 2.0 Standard for New Construction

In April 2021, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signed Executive Order 594, titled “Leading By Example: Decarbonizing and Minimizing Environmental Impacts of State Government.” This order establishes numerous energy targets and mandates for all executive branch agencies and all public institutions of higher education. 

These include the following:

  • Reduce overall site energy use intensity (EUI), defined as weather-normalized Btu per square foot, from a 2004 baseline at state owned buildings by 20% in 2025, and by 25% in 2030.
  • Reduce state government unadjusted greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and vehicles from the 2004 baseline by 25% by 2025, 35% by 2030
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Alternative Energy Product Manufacturers Tax Credit

The Alternative Energy Product Manufacturers tax credit may be claimed for manufacturing alternative energy products and components, including renewable energy systems, fuel cell systems, and electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. Alternative energy components include parts, assembly of parts, materials, ingredients, or supplies that are incorporated directly into end-use products. In 2011 S.B. 233 added "products extracted from or secreted by a single cell photosynthetic organism" to the list of eligible alternative energy products.

Tax Credit

The total amount of the credit is approved by the Taxation and Revenue Department and is not to exceed 5% of the taxpayer’s qualified expenditures. A

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Solar Energy Gross Receipts Tax Deduction

New Mexico has a gross receipts tax structure for businesses instead of a sales tax. Businesses are taxed on the gross amount of their business receipts each year before expenses are deducted. Revenue generated by the sale and installation of solar systems used to provide space heat, hot water, or electricity to the property on which it is installed may be deducted from gross receipts before the gross receipts tax is calculated. Dark-colored water tanks exposed to sunlight, including all equipment necessary for the installation and operation of the water tank as a part of the overall water system of

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Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (Personal)

Note: The tax credits are fully subscribed. As of July 2016, there were 973 MW (2,148,000 MWh) of projects in the waiting queue for the wind/biomass tax credit and 1,103 MW (2,369,000 MWh) of projects in the waiting queue for the solar tax credit.

Enacted in 2002, the New Mexico Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit provides a tax credit against personal or corporate income tax. To qualify, an energy generator must have a capacity of at least 1 megawatt and be installed before January 2018. 


The tax credit is $0.01 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for companies that generate electricity from

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Property Tax Exemption for Solar and Wind Energy Systems

In May 2007, Maryland established a property tax exemption for residential solar energy systems. Under this law solar energy devices “installed to heat or cool a dwelling, generate electricity to be used in the dwelling, or provide hot water for use in the dwelling” were exempt from state -- but not local -- property taxes. However, in April 2008 H.B. 377 was enacted, repealing this exemption beginning July 1, 2008. In place of the rescinded exemption, H.B. 377 inserted another provision exempting solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot water systems from real property taxes. The exemption now applies equally to

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Voluntary Renewable Energy Portfolio Goal

As part of legislation to re-regulate the state's electricity industry, Virginia enacted a voluntary Renewable Energy Portfolio (RPS) goal in 2007. Legislation passed in 2009 (HB 1994) expanded the goal, encouraging investor-owned utilities to procure a percentage of the power sold in Virginia from eligible renewable energy sources. Legislation passed in 2012 (SB 413) allows investor-owned utilities to meet up to 20% of a renewable energy goal through certificated research and development activity expenses related to renewable energy and alternative energy sources. In addition to allowing participating utilities to recover costs for RPS programs, the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC)

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Renewable Portfolio Standard

New Hampshire’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), established in May 2007, requires the state’s electricity providers -- with the exception of municipal utilities -- to acquire by 2025, renewable energy certificates (RECs) equivalent to 25.2% of retail electricity sold to end-user customers. The RPS includes four distinct standards for different types of energy resources; these are classified as Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV.

Class I - New Renewable Energy. This class addresses electricity or “useful thermal energy” generated by any of the following resources, provided the generator began operation after January 1, 2006, except as noted below

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USDA - Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Loan Guarantees

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides financial assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses in rural America to purchase, install, and construct renewable energy systems, make energy efficiency improvements to non-residential buildings and facilities, use renewable technologies that reduce energy consumption, and participate in energy audits and renewable energy development assistance.

Renewable energy projects for the Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loan and Grant Program include wind, solar, biomass and geothermal, and hydrogen derived from biomass or water using wind, solar, or geothermal energy sources. These grants are limited to 25% of a proposed

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Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs)

Note: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 repealed section 54C of the Internal Revenue Code, which authorized the use of New CREBs. IRS Notice 2018-15  announced that the IRS will no longer process applications for or issue allocations of New CREBs. The summary below describes CREBs before they were repealed, and is here for historical purposes only. 

Clean renewable energy bonds (CREBs) may be used by certain entities -- primarily in the public sector -- to finance renewable energy projects. The list of qualifying technologies is generally the same as that used for the federal renewable energy

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