Solar Thermal Process Heat

Commercial Retro-Commissioning and New Construction Program

Focus on Energy offers a variety of tools and financial incentives to eligible business customers to retro-commission buildings or design and build new buildings to optimize performance. Through Focus on Energy's Energy Design Assistance Program, customers will receive a free, customized, whole-building analysis of energy-saving design options. Focus on Energy prepares multiple design options, each progressively more efficient, so that building owners and design teams can customize dozens of design elements to maximize energy efficiency opportunities while balancing financial considerations. Projects can also receive custom incentives based on estimated energy savings. See program website and contact Focus on Energy for

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Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard

In July 2008, Governor Patrick signed a major energy reform bill, the Green Communities Act (S.B. 2768). As part of that legislation, Massachusetts created the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS), which requires meeting 5% of the state's electric load with "alternative energy" by 2020 (as shown below). The requirement increases by 0.25% after 2020 per compliance year.

  • 1.00% by 2009
  • 1.50% by 2010
  • 2.00% by 2011
  • 2.50% by 2012
  • 3.00% by 2013
  • 3.50% by 2014
  • 3.75% by 2015
  • 4.00% by 2016
  • 4.25% by 2017
  • 4.50% by 2018
  • 4.75% by 2019
  • 5.00% by 2020

The “alternative energy generating sources” include

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New Solar Market Development Tax Credit

New Mexico provides a 10% personal income tax credit (up to $6,000) for taxpayers that own a residence, business, or agricultural enterprise who purchase and install certified photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems on their property. Eligible systems include grid-tied commercial and industrial PV systems, off-grid and grid-tied residential PV systems, active solar thermal systems, and systems with or without storage. To be eligible, systems must first be certified by the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department. The taxpayer must then apply for the tax credit with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department within 12 months of

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Advanced Energy Job Stimulus Program

This bond-funded program creates an Advanced Energy Job Stimulus Fund that is administered through a public process previously managed by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (OAQDA). Beginning in 2012, the program is managed by the Ohio Development Services Agency. The Program will award funds to a portfolio of advanced energy projects. These projects will serve to attract new investment to Ohio, build upon Ohio's manufacturing strength, advance energy technology development toward commercialization and prepare Ohio's workforce for the future. Detailed definitions of eligible advanced energy projects and renewable energy resources may be found in ORC 3706.25.

House Bill 166

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Solar Energy Incentives Program

Note: The deadline for the most recent solicitation under this program has now passed. The program is currently closed, pending revisions to the program guidelines. Please see the program web site for further details. The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development now provides the Alternative and Clean Energy Program in place of this one.

In July 2008, Pennsylvania enacted legislation providing $650 million to support a variety of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Included in this legislation was a provision authorizing the creation of a $80 million grant and loan program for solar energy technologies. The program is

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Alternative-Energy Personal Property Tax Exemption

Michigan HB 4465, effective 11/15/2019, reinstates the property tax exemption for alternative energy systems (AES) that was in effect from 2002 until to 2012. The summary of SB 1316, the original tax exemption bill, can be found below. 
"Alternative energy personal property" certified by the NextEnergy Authority and located in the NextEnergy Zone is exempt from the collection of personal property taxes. This exemption includes (1) "alternative energy systems," (2) "alternative energy vehicles," (3) the personal property of an "alternative energy technology business" and (4) the personal property of a business not engaged in alternative-energy technology that is
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City of San Diego - Development Regulations

San Diego’s Supplemental Development Regulations passed initially in 1997 but since has had many additions and alterations, some as recent as 2020. San Diego’s Supplemental Development Regulations require that a “Shadow Plan” be developed when it is determined that structures or landscaping within a proposed development may have an impact on neighboring property’s access to solar exposure. This is intended to ensure that potential impacts to solar access will be minimized. (§143.0410 section i)

The Shadow Plan is further fleshed out in §151.0301 – Permitted Development Controls. Detailing that “when, in the opinion of the City Manager, structures

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Energy Innovation Grant Program

As of April 13, 2020, the last solicitation for this program took place in October 2018.

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin's Office of Energy Innovation offers grants for certain energy projects through the Energy Innovation Grant Program. Applicants for the grant program must be either municipal or tribal governments, K-12 school districts, or manufacturers. Eligible projects include building energy efficiency, energy storage, renewable energy, alternative fuel transportation, facility and fleet audits, comprehensive energy plans, and feasibility studies and training and operations for any of these project types.

Awards for the 2019 fiscal year have been determined; information for the

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PACE Massachusetts Financing

Note:  In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing

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Farm Energy Program

The Agricultural Energy program provides grants to agricultural businesses in the state to improve their energy efficiency and promote adoption of renewable energy technologies. 


Only agricultural businesses are eligible to apply for the program. The agricultural operations may include horticulture, viticulture, floriculture, forestry, stabling or horses, dairy farming, aquaculture, raising of livestock, poultry, bees, or all such operations. The business must have produced at least $2,500 in annual income from farming operations. 

The program funds both energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Energy efficiency projects may include technologies to improve efficiency of the farm. Eligible renewable energy sources include photovoltaics, wind

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