Program Pierce Pepin Coop - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Wisconsin
Administrator Pierce Pepin Coop
Website https://www.piercepepin.coop/programs-rebates
Sectors Residential
Pierce Pepin Coop is providing financial incentives for the purchase of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Customers can receive a $400 rebate for a Level 2 charger or an $800 for the purchase of a Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Eligible chargers must be installed on the cooperative's lines and be controlled (unavailable) between 2:00 PM and 9:00 PM on weekdays.

Required documentation listed below must be submitted no later than 3 months after EV charger install date.

  • This Incentive form
  • A copy of your receipt or invoice for each item with purchase price(s) circled
  • For EV charger, include documentation showing the station has been installed
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