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New Or Updated Solar Rebates and Incentives

Title Minnesota Energy Services (25 Member Cooperatives) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Xcel Energy (Electric and Gas) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program Minnesota Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program Net Metering Solar Energy, Small Hydropower, and Geothermal Tax Credit (Corporate)
Last Update
Region Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Delaware South Carolina
Category Financial Incentive Financial Incentive Financial Incentive Regulatory Policy Financial Incentive
Tech Solar Photovoltaics Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics

Bright Energy Solutions offers energy efficiency cash incentive programs to residential and business customers of municipal utilities that are members of Missouri River Energy Services. In Minnesota

This program is available only to Minnesota residents who take both electric and natural gas service from Xcel Energy. The rebate amount will then depend on the measures chosen.

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Minnesota Power offers a variety of appliance, lighting, and heating and cooling system rebates to its residential customers to help make homes more energy efficient. Rebates are available for


In Delaware, net metering is available to any customer that generates electricity using solar, wind or hydro resources, anaerobic digesters, or fuel cells capable of being powered by

In South Carolina, taxpayers may claim a credit of 25% of the costs of purchasing and installing a solar energy system, small hydropower system, or a geothermal system for heating water, space