
Rebates list

Tennessee Rebates and Incentives Summary


Although Tennessee has picturesque scenery and plenty of sunshine, there has not been much in the way of state-sponsored legislation to promote renewable energy sources. This is due, in part, to the easily available coal in the region, although there are some incentives at the local levels in Tennessee to help you keep your wallet heavy and your carbon footprint light.

Tennessee has a solar rating of “good,” meaning that with local and federal incentives, a 3 kilowatt (kW) home solar system costing around $15,000 would pay for itself within 10 years. Not only would you be saving over $800 a year on utility bills with such a system, but these generally increase property values by about $10,000.

The main program that would apply to many of Tennessee’s resident’s would be the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Generation Partners Program, but you may also quality for a Small Business Energy Loan. As always the best thing to do is to speak to a local Tennessee solar installer to find all your possible ways to reduce your costs.

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Bristol Tennessee Electric Service - Energy Savings Loan Program

Bristol Tennessee Electric Service (BTES) offers financing to its residential customers to help pay for energy-efficient home improvements through the Energy Savings Loan Program. Eligible customers may borrow up to $15,000 for a maximum of 10 years. More information may be found on the website listed above.

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Building Energy Code

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

Both State building codes adoption and enforcement efforts fall under the purview of the State Fire Marshal’s Office within the Department of Commerce and Insurance (C&I). Any changes to the State’s building energy code must comply with the State’s rule-making procedures. On November 4, 2016, the 2009 IECC became effective in Tennessee for one and two family buildings

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City of Memphis - PILOT Program

The City of Memphis' Payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) program offers longer tax abatement periods (15 years) for projects involving new construction or significant renovations that achieve LEED or Net Zero Certification. In order to qualify, projects must be located in Memphis Central Business Improvement District. Projects must meet three of the following criteria:

  • Project includes the redevelopment of a property certified as blighted by DMC staff
  • Project includes the adaptive reuse of an existing building
  • Project will Infill a vacant lot or surface parking lot in the Downtown Core (must be condition prior to
  • Project includes the renovation of a contributing
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Electric Power Board of Chattanooga - Smart Build New Homes Program for Builders & Developers

In order to promote the efficient use of electricity, EPB of Chattanooga will waive certain usual charges if guidelines are followed and will award certain other incentives and advertising to assist in promoting the requirements.

Participation requires:

  • Pre-wire homes with Cat-5e ethernet
  • Install dual Cat-5e outlets in each living space
  • Pass all required inspections
  • Run all communication wiring to a centrally located “home run box”
  • Meet a minimum HERS energy efficiency score of 93

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Green Energy Production Facility Tax Credit

As of June 30, 2010, taxpayers may take a credit, apply for a refund of taxes paid, or apply for authority to make tax-exempt purchases of machinery and equipment used to produce electricity in a Certified Green Energy Production Facility.

Tennessee provides tax credits to industries in the green energy supply chain that invest more than $250 million into the state. The Department of Revenue, Department of Economic and Community Development as well as the Department of Environment and Conservation are authorized to certify “green energy supply chain manufacturers” as eligible for the Green Energy Tax Credit. The $1.5 million

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Green Energy Property Tax Assessment

Tennessee offers a special ad valorem property tax assessment for certified green energy production facilities. Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-601 (e)-(f) defines the sound, intrinsic and immediate value of alternative green source properties when they are initially appraised. SB 1000 stipulated that the assessed property value of all certified green energy production facilities (as defined in Tenn. Code § 67-4-2007) may not exceed 1/3 of total installed costs for wind, 12.5% of installed costs for solar, and for other green sources of energy, property should not initially exceed its appropriate capacity factor as determined by the States Board of

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Interconnection Procedures

Tennessee does not have statewide interconnection standards. However, the Tennessee Valley Authority, which supplies electric utilities in Tennessee, does have interconnection procedures for small (20 MW or smaller) and large (larger than 20 MW) generating facilities. TVA interconnection procedures can also be found under the "Generator Interconnection" tab on the utility's OASIS homepage.

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Knoxville Utilities Board - EV Charging station Rebate Program

KUB electric customers with current electric accounts who purchase a new Level 2 (240 volt) EV charger and own or lease a battery electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle are eligible for a rebate of up to $400.

Qualifying electric vehicle (EV) charger purchases must be new, Level 2 (240-volt) EV chargers; used EV chargers are not eligible for rebates. Only one rebate per EV charger. Rebate forms must be submitted within 60 days after the installation of the EV charger.

Complete the Electric Vehicle Charger Rebate Form and mail it to Knoxville Utilities Board with Attn: EV

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Maryville Utilities Board - Green Power Switch

Our EnergyRight programs let your company make smart energy choices while enhancing your bottom line. Whether you want to make your business more energy-efficient, save money or demonstrate your commitment to the environment by conserving natural resources, we make it easy with expert guidance, incentives for the installation of efficient equipment and more.
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Middle Tennessee EMC - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation (MTEMC) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) offer incentives for residential customers through the eScore Program by:

Step 1 – Homeowner contacts a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) member to get started.
Step 2 – The QCN member completes the energy efficiency improvements on the home.
Step 3 – An MTEMC Energy Services Coordinator will review the installed measures and provide an eScore evaluation, which includes:
• An eScore card, which ranks the home from 1 to 10 (10 being the best)
• A customized list of recommended energy efficiency upgrades
• A list of eligible

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Middle Tennessee EMC - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program

MTE can help you finance a new heat pump at 8%. The loan can have up to a 10-year term with no penalty for early payoff. Payments are added to your monthly electric bill. To qualify for MTE's Heat Pump Program, applicants must be the owner of the home and property where the heat pump is to be located and pass an independent credit review.

Start the loan process today by contacting one of the Energy Services team members listed below or by contacting a business from TVA’s Quality Contractor Network.

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Murfreesboro Electric Department - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Murfreesboro Electric Department, in collaboration with the Tennessee Valley Authority, offers incentives to home builders and homeowners for the construction of energy efficient homes through the Energy Right New Home Program. In general, qualifying homes are equipped with features such as a high-efficiency electric heat pump (instead of a central furnace and air-conditioning system); effective insulation, extra caulking, plenty of weather-stripping, double-pane windows; and an electric water heater. Incentive amounts are based on the exact home energy rating of the home. Additional rebates are offered specifically for efficient water heaters.  

Murfreesboro Electric Department also provides a loan program

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Murfreesboro Electric Department - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program

Murfreesboro Electric Department, in collaboration with the Tennessee Valley Authority offers financing to its residential customer to help pay for new heat pumps through their Energy Right Heat Pump Program. Customers can finance up to $15,000 and pay in monthly installments on their utility bills. The loans can be paid off in as many as 10 years. There is a $45.00 security filing fee. The heat pump must be installed by a program-qualified contractor.

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Pathway Energy Efficiency Loan Program

Pathway Lending's Energy Efficiency Loan Program provides Tennessee business and non-profit entities with below-market loans for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements. All costs related to the efficiency measures may be financed, including assessments, design, equipment, and installation. Any project that reduces utility consumption, across electric, gas, or water, may apply for financing through this program. The loans are designed to allow for energy cost savings derived from each project to provide the repayment of the loan. 

Starting in 2016, EELP began offering up to six years of financing for qualified energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to Tennessee local

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Sales Tax Credit for Clean Energy Technology

Tenn. Code Ann. Section 67-6-346 allows a taxpayer to take a credit, apply for a refund of taxes paid, or to apply for authority to make tax-exempt purchases of machinery and equipment used to produce electricity in a certified green energy production facility. A certified green energy production facility is a facility certified by the Department of Environment and Conservation as producing electricity for use and consumption on and off the premises using clean energy technology. Clean energy technology is a technology used to generate electricity from geothermal, hydrogen, solar, or wind sources, and includes storage paired with these technology

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Tennessee C-PACER Financing

Note:  In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing

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Tennessee Solar Easement and Access Laws

Tennessee law allows for the creation of easements for the purpose of ensuring access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. This statute also states that the "encouragement and protection of solar energy systems is a valid objective which counties and municipalities may consider in promulgating zoning regulations." When land is sold, easements pass with the property as recorded with the register of deeds in the county in which the land is situated.

The written creation of a solar easement shall include but is not limited to: descriptions of the property affected, angles at which the easement extends

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TVA - Green Power Providers

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and participating power distributors of TVA power offer a performance-based incentive program to homeowners and businesses for the installation of renewable generation systems from the following qualifying resources: PV, wind, hydropower, and biomass. The long term Green Power Providers program replaces the Generation Partners* pilot program. The energy generated from these renewable generation systems will count towards TVA's green power pricing program, Green Power Switch.

The Green Power Providers program contract term is 20 years. Generation credit will be paid at the following flat rates for the entirety of the 20-year contract:

•Residential/GSA-1 customers with system

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TVA - Mid-Sized Renewable Standard Offer Program

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) now compliments the small generation Green Power Providers Program by providing incentives for mid-sized renewable energy generators between 50kW and 20MW to enter into long term price contracts. The goal for total production from all participants is 100MW, with no more than 50MW from any one renewable technology. The Renewable Standard Offer program also includes Solar Solution Initiative program that offers additional financial incentives for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) projects. 

TVA bases the standard offer for customer generators off of a seasonal time-of-day averages chart, which sets base prices for the term of the

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TVA - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

TVA offers a variety of rebates to local power company and TVA direct-served residential customers who purchase and install various energy-saving technologies. Eligible technologies include heat pumps, water heaters, duct/air sealing, insulation, and window replacement. All rebate-eligible home energy services or projects must be completed by members of the TVA EnergyRight Quality Contractor Network. 

In-person home energy evaluations are offered through participating local power companies. See program website for details regarding specific equipment requirements. 

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TVA - Solar Solutions Initiative

Solar Solutions Initiative (SSI) is a pilot program that offers additional financial incentives for Solar PV systems participating in the Renewable Standard Offer program. Applications for new projects for the year 2015 will open on January 2, 2015. Participants applying for the Solar Solutions Incentive program are required to apply through the Renewable Standard Offer program.

The program offers performance based incentive of $0.04/kWh for the first 10 years after the project is operational. This incentive is additional to the seasonal and time-of-day price for electricity offered through the Renewable Standard Offer program.

The total capacity for the

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TVA Partner Utilities - Energy Right Heat Pump Program

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) energy right Heat Pump Plan provides financing to promote the installation of high efficiency heat pumps in homes and small businesses. Installation, performance, and weatherization standards ensure the appropriate sizing of equipment and operation of the system. TVA maintains a Quality Contractor Network (QCN) from which customers can choose an installer. Through a third-party lender, TVA provides financing for residential heat pumps with repayment on the customer’s electric bill and a term of up to 10 years. The programs are independently administered by local power companies served by TVA.

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