Program Murfreesboro Electric Department - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Tennessee
Administrator Murfreesboro Electric Department
Website https://murfreesboroelectric.com/new-home-program/
Sectors Residential

Murfreesboro Electric Department, in collaboration with the Tennessee Valley Authority, offers incentives to home builders and homeowners for the construction of energy efficient homes through the Energy Right New Home Program. In general, qualifying homes are equipped with features such as a high-efficiency electric heat pump (instead of a central furnace and air-conditioning system); effective insulation, extra caulking, plenty of weather-stripping, double-pane windows; and an electric water heater. Incentive amounts are based on the exact home energy rating of the home. Additional rebates are offered specifically for efficient water heaters.  

Murfreesboro Electric Department also provides a loan program for customers who purchase energy saving heat pumps. For more information on all programs, visit the utility's website.

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