
25 Drydock Avenue, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
United States
42.3447139, -71.0290168
Satcon® develops innovative power conversion solutions and provides system design services for utility-scale renewable energy plants. Featuring the widest range of power ratings in the industry, Satcon inverters provide the critical bridge between clean energy sources and large-scale power grids, helping companies meet the rising demand for clean energy with unparalleled efficiency and profitability.
Satcon®offers the best-in-class technology for intelligent energy harvesting and power conversion.Built on a foundation of PowerGate®solutions, the world’s most widely deployed large-scale, Utility-Ready inverters, our experience comes with having hundreds of millions of grid-connected kilowatt hours delivered to date.
Our technologies are consistently setting the standard for system value with advanced, reliable, efficient and innovative solutions.