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New Or Updated Solar Rebates and Incentives

Title New Hampshire Electric Cooperative - Electric Vehicle Rebates N. Mariana Islands - Net Metering Net Metering Vermont Electric Coop - EV Charging Station Bill Credit Stowe Electric - Electric Bicycles
Last Update
Region New Hampshire N. Mariana Islands Louisiana Vermont Vermont
Category Financial Incentive Regulatory Policy Regulatory Policy Financial Incentive Financial Incentive
Tech Solar Water Heat, Solar Photovoltaics Solar Photovoltaics

New Hampshire Electric Cooperative offers rebates to commercial and residential customers for the purchase of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and EVs. For more information, visit the program

The Commonwealth Utility Corporation (CUC), the only public utility in the N. Marianas, is required to offer net metering to its commercial and residential retail electricity customers for renewable NOTE: The PSC adopted additional changes in September 2019 through a rulemaking proceeding (Docket R-33929), which include: removing the 0.5% cap on solar users; customers that submit a completed

Vermont Electric Coop 

VEC is offering a $250 bill credit for the purchase of a home Level II electric vehicle charger. VEC also offers a $500 bill credit per connection ($500 for a 1-head charger, $1

Electric Bicycles

Stowe Electric customers that purchase a qualifying Class 1 e-bike may be eligible to receive a direct rebate of $150. Just complete and submit their 2025 rebate form with your proof