Program LADWP - Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State California
Website https://www.ladwp.com/fit
Budget 100 MW of Projects
Start Date
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Through the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) program, LADWP is purchasing energy for up to 20 years from solar V and non PV technologies through a standard offer power purchase agreement. Participating in the program conveys to the utility all energy, capacity rights, and environmental attributes associated with the project.

As of March 2025, the price per kWh varies as shown below:

 Project Capacity  In-Basin PV In-Basin Non-PV Owens Valley PV
 30 kW - 500 kW   $0.145 per kWh

 $0.115 per kWh

 $0.115 per kWh

 > 500 kW - 3 MW

 $0.140 per kWh  $0.110 per kWh  Not Available
 > 3 MW  $0.135 per kWh  $0.105 per kWh    Not Available 

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