Program LADWP - Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Incentive Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State California
Administrator Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Website https://www.ladwp.com/ladwp/faces/ladwp/commercial/c-savemoney/c-sm-rebatesandp…
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power offers prescriptive and custom incentives to non-residential customers for the installation of energy saving measures, equipment, or systems through a variety of programs, including:

  1. Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
  2. Water Conservation Rebate Program (WCRP)
  3. Save on Lighting Program (SOLP)
  4. Savings in Action (SIA)
  5. Customer Performance Program (CPP)



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