Program PSEG Long Island - Net Metering
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State New York
Website https://www.psegliny.com/aboutpseglongisland/ratesandtariffs/SGIP
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

NOTE: As of January 1, 2014, Long Island is served by PSEG Long Island, replacing Long Island Power Authority (LIPA).

Although PSEG Long Island’s net metering policy is not governed by the State’s net metering law, the provisions are similar to the State law. Net metering is available for residential, non-residential, and residential farm PV and wind energy systems, farm-service, and residential micro-CHP and fuel cell systems. Eligible systems are subject to the following system capacity limits:

  • Residential: Solar and wind up to 25 kW and up to 110% of customer's last 12 months of load, farm waste systems up to 5 MW, micro-CHP systems from 1 - 10 kW, fuel cell systems up to 10 kW, and micro-hydroelectric and hybrid (solar, wind, and micro-hydroelectric) systems up to 25 kW.
  • Residential Farm Customer: Solar systems up to 100 kW, and wind and hybrid (solar, wind, and micro-hydroelectric) systems up to 500 kW
  • Non-residential: Solar, wind, farm waste, fuel cell, or micro-hydroelectric energy systems up to 5 MW

Net metering is generally accomplished using a single bi-directional meter, although other arrangements are possible for hybrid systems that combine a solar or wind energy system with an agricultural biogas, micro-CHP, or fuel cell system. For solar, wind, and anaerobic digester systems, net excess generation (NEG) is carried forward from month to month at the customer's retail electricity rate. Excess NEG left over at the end of a 12-month period is purchased by PSEG Long Island at the avoided cost rates per the Statement of Market Energy Prices. For residential micro-CHP and fuel cells, NEG is purchased on a monthly basis at the avoided cost rate and any resulting credits carry forward indefinitely.

Since 2012, farm-based and non-residential customer-generators are eligible to engage in "remote" net metering of solar, wind, and farm-based biogas systems. The law permits eligible customer-generators to designate net metering credits from equipment located on property which they own or lease to any other meter that is located on property owned or leased by the customer that is within its service territory and same load zone as the net metered facility. Credits will accrue to the highest use meter first, and as with standard net metering, excess credits may be carried forward from month to month.

Customers on tariffs that include demand charges will only be billed for the measured maximum kW demand actually supplied by PSEG Long Island during the billing period. Ownership of renewable energy credits (RECs) is not addressed in the net metering tariff; however, PSEG Long Island retains ownership of any RECs produced by systems that participate in its solar and wind energy rebate programs.

Mass Market customers (customers under residential or small commercial service classifications) that install systems of 25 kW or less are not required to pay any interconnection charges, but will be 100% responsible for systems with more than 25 kW. Non-residential customers are responsible for 100% of the cost of interconnection. Additional charges may apply in situations where the interconnection requires a dedicated transformer or additional safety equipment. Such charges are limited to $350 - $5,000 for most systems, but are based on actual costs.

All net metered systems must comply with the equipment and installation specifications contained in PSEG Long Island’s Interconnection Requirements

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