Program | EWEB - Net Metering |
Category | Regulatory Policy |
Implementing sector | Utility |
Last Update | |
State | Oregon |
Administrator | Eugene Water & Electric Board |
Website | |
Technologies | Solar Photovoltaics |
Sectors | Residential |
The Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) offers net metering for customers with renewable energy generation systems with an installed capacity of 25 kW or less. Eligible systems use solar power, wind power, fuel cells, hydroelectric power, landfill gas, digester gas, waste, dedicated energy crops, or certain biomass to generate electricity. Systems should be sized to primarily offset the customer's energy usage at the site.
Excess generation is compensated monthly at a rate of $0.0710/kWh and does not roll over to subsequent months.
*EWEB has announced that it will transition to a new method of calculating solar rates based on avoided cost, beginning 2026.