
New Solar Market Development Tax Credit

New Mexico provides a 10% personal income tax credit (up to $6,000) for taxpayers that own a residence, business, or agricultural enterprise who purchase and install certified photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems on their property. Eligible systems include grid-tied commercial and industrial PV systems, off-grid and grid-tied residential PV systems, active solar thermal systems, and systems with or without storage. To be eligible, systems must first be certified by the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department. The taxpayer must then apply for the tax credit with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department within 12 months of

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2021 Sustainable Building Tax Credit (Personal)

H.B. 15, enacted in April 2021, established a new version of the personal tax credit and corporate tax credit for sustainable buildings in New Mexico. The tax credits apply to both commercial and residential buildings.

Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings which have been registered and certified by the U.S. Green Building Council at LEED Gold or higher for new construction (NC), existing buildings (EB), core and shell (CS), or commercial interiors (CI), and are broadband- and electric vehicle-ready are eligible for a tax credit. The amount of the credit varies according to the square footage of the building, the level of

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2021 Sustainable Building Tax Credit (Corporate)

H.B. 15, enacted in April 2021, established a new version of the personal tax credit and corporate tax credit for sustainable buildings in New Mexico. The tax credits apply to both commercial and residential buildings.

Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings which have been registered and certified by the U.S. Green Building Council at LEED Gold or higher for new construction (NC), existing buildings (EB), core and shell (CS), or commercial interiors (CI), and are broadband- and electric vehicle-ready are eligible for a tax credit. The amount of the credit varies according to the square footage of the building, the level of

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Middle Tennessee EMC - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program

MTE can help you finance a new heat pump at 8%. The loan can have up to a 10-year term with no penalty for early payoff. Payments are added to your monthly electric bill. To qualify for MTE's Heat Pump Program, applicants must be the owner of the home and property where the heat pump is to be located and pass an independent credit review.

Start the loan process today by contacting one of the Energy Services team members listed below or by contacting a business from TVA’s Quality Contractor Network.

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Community Renewable Energy Program

Brought into Vermont law through 30 V.S.A. § 8010, Chapter 89 of Title 30, "Renewable Energy Programs", details the regulations surrounding self-generation and net-metering in the state of Vermont. This bill delegates net-metering rulemaking to the Vermont Public Utilities Commission (VPUC), who made effective their net-metering rules via Rule 5.100 on January 1st, 2017. Group net-metering systems and the processes needed to obtain a Vermont Certificate of Public Good (CPG) pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 8010 are discussed.

Group net-metering systems are defined as a net-metering system serving more than one customer, or a customer with multiple electric meters

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Washington Community Solar Program

Beginning July 1st, 2017, under Revised Code of Washington Title 82, Chapter 82.16.170 (RCW 82.16.170), the state of Washington granted community solar administrators the ability to organize and administer community solar projects. Stipulations surrounding community solar projects include a maximum direct current (DC) nameplate capacity of 1 megawatt (MW), as well as a minimum of 10 participants or 1 participant per 10 kW DC nameplate capacity, whichever is greater. Projects exceeding 500 kW will be subject to a standard interconnection agreement. Members participating in any community solar project must be customers of the utility providing service at the

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Massachusetts Community Renewable Energy - Neighborhood Net Metering

The community renewable energy program in Massachusetts was first brought to legislation on July 2nd, 2008 through Chapter 169 of the Act of 2008 within Massachusetts' session laws. This Act introduced "neighborhood net metering" to Massachusetts, establishing the framework for community net metering projects. Neighborhood net metering is any Class I, II or III net metering facility serving 10 or more residential customers, served by a single distribution company and located within the customers' neighborhood. Net metering facility classification definitions may be found within the act here.

An important addition to neighborhood net metering comes from the Code of

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Community Renewable Energy Program

Senate Bill 1050, enacted in June 2015, created the Hawaii Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) program. The legislation established the broad parameters for the program, and charged the Public Utilities Commission with further fleshing out the rules and approving CBRE tariffs filed by the utilities. 

Phase 1 CBRE

In December 2017, the Commission adopted a Phase 1 CBRE Framework and directed the utilities to file tariffs consistent with the framework. The framework adopted different capacity allocations and credit rates for the different islands: 

  1. Oahu - 5.0 MW, $0.15/kWh
  2. Hawaii Island - 1.0 MW, $0.15/kWh
  3. Maui - 1.0 MW, $0.165/kWh
  4. Molokai -
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Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program

Blue Ridge Mountain EMC and TVA offer a loan program to help finance electric heat pumps. Qualified homeowners can borrow up to $15,000 payable in 10 years. The heat pump must be installed by a member of the Quality Contractor network, and will require an inspection before payment of the system. More information is available online at the website listed above.
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North Carolina Community Solar Rules

Community Solar in NC is governed by House Bill 589 Session Law 2017-192. Each offering utility must file a plan with the Commission to offer a community solar energy facility program for participation by its retail customers. Each community solar facility must have at least five subscribers and no single subscriber has more than a forty percent (40%) interest. Duke Progress and Duke Energy must make this available on a first-come first-served basis until the total nameplate generation of its community solar facilities is at least 40MW.

Community solar energy facility projects may have a nameplate capacity of no more

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