
Delaware - Community Solar Rules

On September 17th, 2021, the Governor of the State of Delaware signed into law Senate Bill 2, which amended the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Act and the Electric Utility Restructuring Act of 1999 to accelarate the adoption of community-owned solar photovoltaic systems in Delaware and to establish a process relating to community-owned energy generating facilities (CEFS).

Below are some of the key features of this program.

  1. The community-owned energy generating facility shall not have subscriptions larger than 200 kilowatts constituting more than 60% of its capacity.
  2. A community-owned energy generating facility shall not exceed a capacity of 4 megawatts.
  3. The
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New Jersey Community Solar Rules - Remote Net Metering

New Jersey's community solar program is governed by the Solar Act of 2021 (L. 2021, c. 169) which established a new Successor Solar Incentive Program, also known as the “SuSI Program”. The SuSI Program implements the Clean Energy Act of 2018 (L. 2018, c.17) and the Solar Act of 2021 (L. 2021, c. 169). The SuSI Program provides incentives to eligible solar facilities to enable the continued efficient and orderly development of solar renewable energy generating sources throughout the state.

The program provides one New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificate-II (NJ SREC–II) for every megawatt-hour (MWh) of solar electricity produced

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Shared Clean Energy Facility (SCEF) Program

Residents or businesses can choose to invest in, or lease, a renewable energy system installation on the rooftops of their homes or businesses, or on their properties. However, some Connecticut residents and businesses are either not able to, or elect not to, invest in or lease an individual property installation for a variety of reasons (e.g., high installation costs, unsuitable rooftop orientation, shaded property, or because they rent instead of own their properties). Subscription to a shared clean energy facility (SCEF) provides an option that can be used to overcome such barriers, thereby expanding access to renewable energy to more

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Oregon Community Solar Program

The Oregon Community Solar Program was first introduced through Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 860-088. This rule's creation was directed under 2016 Senate Bill 1547, with administrative authority being given to the Public Utility Commission. Community Solar projects may only be approved if ownership is demonstrated for 50 percent or more of project nameplate capacity. Additionally, community solar projects must have a subscription minimum of 5 persons and not exceed 3 megawatts in nameplate capacity. Projects must be located in the Oregon service territory of an electric utility, with at least 10 percent of the project generating capacity allocated exclusively

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Maine Community Solar

Community Solar in the state of Maine is governed by by P.L. 2019 c. 478, P.L. 2021 c.390, and Chapter 313 of the Public Utility Commissions (PUC) rules. These rules govern the state's Net Energy Billing (NEB) Policy. Under NEB there are two programs which customers can participate in "Community" or shared renewable projects, a kWh credit program, which is available to all electric utility customers, and a tariff rate program, which is available to non-residential customers.

Net Energy Billing kWh Credit Program

The kWh program allows customers to choose to participate in a larger project on a

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Nebraska Public Power District - Go EV

Nebraska Public Power District customers, including wholesale customers, have access to several electric vehicle incentive programs.

NPPD offers a $4,000 rebate on non-hybrid battery electric vehicles.

Residential incentives for make-ready wiring for level 2 charging are $200 for new construction, and 100% of cost, up to $400 for existing construction.

Residential installations of wi-fi enabled 32A chargepoint chargers are eligible for a $500 rebate if the customer agrees to 36 months of charger data sharing via wi-fi.

Commercial make-ready wiring is eligible for a $1,000 incentive.

Commercial installations of public or workplace DC Fast Charging or Level 2 Charging are

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Community Renewable Energy Amendment Act

D.C. Act 20-196, enacted on December 13th 2013, established a community renewable energy program in the District of Columbia. This program sets a production capacity of 5MW on all systems, along with a minimum of two (2) subscribers. Community renewable energy facilities (CREF) may offset no more than 120% of the subscriber's electricity consumption over the prior 12 months. All individual billing meters must be within the District of Columbia. Credit rates will be applied to customer's each billing month, and will be allocated by multiplying the quantity of kilowatt hours allocated to each subscriber by the subscriber's CREF credit

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Minnkota Power Cooperative - PowerSaves Residential Rebate Program

Minnkota Power Cooperative offers the PowerSavers program through its participating cooperatives and municipalities to residential customers. This program is designed to provide end-use customers with a quick and easy way to choose high-efficiency equipment at the time of normal equipment replacement or major renovations. Some of these technologies include heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, domestic hot water heaters and Energy Star clothes washers. Financial incentives are based on a prescribed amount per technology. See the above website for more information.

Contact your cooperative or municipal for more information.

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Community Solar Program

S.B. 84, enacted in April 2021, established a community solar program in New Mexico. Community solar facilities can generate up to 5MW of alternating current and must have at least 10 subscribers. A single subscriber can purchase no more than 40% of the electricity from a system, and at least 40% of each system's electricity must be reserved for smaller subscriptions of 25kW or less. Native community solar projects are exempt from these requirements. In addition, 30% of a system's electricity must be reserved for low-income subscribers. The program will open to the public in April 2023.

Through April 2024

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NYSERDA - New Construction - Housing


The New Construction – Housing (NC-Housing) Program supports the design, development, and construction of carbon neutral buildings, reducing energy consumption and per capita carbon emissions while ensuring the buildings are resilient. Through NC-Housing, NYSERDA offers financial incentives and technical support for the new construction, gut rehabilitation, or adaptive re-use of residential and mixed-use buildings, inclusive of single-family homes, multi-unit developments, multifamily buildings, residence halls, dormitories, and congregate living facilities, exclusive of nursing homes. The incentive structure is intended to promote increased levels of performance while encouraging solutions that result in healthy environments

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