
Community Solar Program

In 2016, H.B. 8354 expanded Rhode Island's net metering rules to include community solar. Rhode Island's Renewable Energy Fund has provided community renewable incentives before community solar was officially enshrined.

A project needs at least 3 participating customers. One customer cannot receive more than 50% of the credits. At least 50% of the credits must go to customers whose annual load is less than 25 kW-AC.

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DEMEC Member Utilities - Efficiency Smart Residential Program

Efficiency Smart® provides energy efficiency services to public power communities that subscribe to its services. Efficiency Smart assists residential, commercial, and industrial customers of these participating municipal electric systems to reduce their energy consumption and save money through improved energy efficiency. Visit for more information on this program.

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Evergy Solar Rebate Program

Evergy's Missouri utilities offer a rebate for solar PV installations. For installations that become operational between July 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, the rebate is set at $0.25/W. The system size eligible for a rebate is capped at 25 kW for residential and 150 kW for commercial customers.

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Improvement Valuation of Commercial Solar Energy Systems

Illinois uses a specific formula to value commercial solar energy systems for property tax purposes in counties with fewer than 3 million inhabitants. "Commercial" in this sense means that the system is used primarily to generate electricity for wholesale or retail sale, rather than referring to the customer class.

The valuation formula is calculated by substracting allowance for physical depreciation from the trended real property cost basis (set at $218,000 per MW of nameplate capacity in 2018, with adjustments for CPI inflation). More information is available here.

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Randolph EMC - ElecTel Energy Efficiency Loan Program

As a member of the Randolph Electric Membership Corporation (Randolph EMC), residential customers are eligible for low-interest loans on energy efficiency improvement projects if they join the ElecTel Cooperative Federal Credit Union. Membership may cost as low as $1. Projects available for financing include but aren't limited to:

  • Efficient windows/doors
  • Electric heat pumps
  • Furnaces
  • Air conditioners
  • Generators
  • Solar projects
  • Water heaters
  • Insulation
  • EnergyStar appliances

Fixed rates are as low as 4.9%, with up to 100% financing of the purchase price. Payment terms are flexible with a maximum loan of $35,000 ($5,000 if a mobile home). See program site for details.

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Shared Solar Program

In April 2020, the Virginia General Assembly enacted Chapters 1238 (HB 1634) and 1264 (SB 629) of the 2020 Virginia Acts of Assembly. In April 2021, the General Assembly enacted Chapter 532 (HB 1855) during special session I. The chapters authorize the shared solar program in the service territory of Dominion Energy Virginia with an aggregate capacity maximum of 150 MW. Once low-income subscriptions total 45 MW, an additional 50 MW of aggregate capacity may be authorized.

Subscriptions are administered by a Subscriber Organization. For facilities with a nameplate capacity greater than 500 kW

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Ashland Electric Utility - New Construction Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The City of Ashland offers incentives to all news homes for energy and water efficiency projects. Program participants can select from any of the individually offered incentives for a partial rebate, or select all of the measures to obtain the maximum rebate of $2,500 and for the home to be recognized as an “Ashland Smartbuild” home. Rebates are offered for a variety of home efficiency projects and equipment, including:

  • ENERGY STAR Appliances
  • Heat Pumps/Heat Pump Water Heaters
  • Water Sense Home Certification
  • Earth Advantage Platinum Home
  • EV Charging Unit
  • Solar Water Heating/Solar PV
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Enhanced Community Renewables Program

The Enhanced Community Renewables Program is one element of the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) Program, which was established by Senate Bill 43 of 2014. The Enhanced Community Renewables Program allows a customer to purchase a share of a community renewable energy project directly from a developer and receive a bill credit on their proportionate share of the system's production.  The program is capped at 600 MW statewide. 

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Burbank Water and Power - LEED Certification Incentive Program

Designing and building high-performance buildings that are also sustainable is good business and better for the environment. To help offset the cost of constructing environmentally friendly buildings, the city of Burbank created two ordinances and Burbank Water and Power created a rebate program. Rebates vary depending on the level of certification a building receives, ranging from $15,000-$30,000.

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