
Community Solar Gardens and Community Geothermal Gardens

[Link to Black Hills Energy's webpage]

H.B. 1342 of 2010 authorized the development of community solar gardens (CSGs) in the service territory of investor-owned utilities in Colorado. H.B. 1003, enacted in 2019 increased the maximum size of a CSG from 2 megawatts to 5 megawatts, and allowed the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to increase the maximum size to 10 megawatts beginning July 1, 2023. The legislation also removed the requirement that a CSG subscriber's identified physical location be in the same or adjacent county as the CSG, though both locations must be within the service territory of

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Central Alabama Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program

Central Alabama Electric Cooperative offers the Co-Op Energy Efficiency Loan Program to its residential customers. This program is offered through an agreement with the Alabama One Credit Union (ARECU) or Regions Bank. Projects that qualify for this loan include heat pumps, duct repair, building insulation, air sealing, heat pump water heaters, water heater blanket and pipe insulation, attic ventilation, doors, windows, window tinting, programmable thermostats, and mobile home skirting. All installations and improvements must be performed by a licensed contractor. To begin the process, contact Cindy Browder at (800) 545-5735 ext. 2118 or at [email protected].

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Wyoming Solar Rights

Wyoming’s Solar Rights Act (1981), states that the “beneficial use of solar energy is a property right”. Solar rights -- a landowner's right against interference with sunlight for the purposes of solar energy -- are thus property rights. 

The Act states that these rights are only valid from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. Outside of these hours, the solar right may be infringed without compensation to the owner of the solar collector. The Act delegates responsibility of enforcement to local governments by requiring local governments to establish a permit system for the use of solar energy. A

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Lakeland Electric - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program

Lakeland Electric offers a zero-interest loan program to its customers who wish to make energy efficiency upgrades. Eligible measures include windows, HVAC, heat pump water heaters, air sealing and insulation, solar PV, geothermal heat pumps, and solar water heater systems. The minimum loan amount is $500 and the maximum is $5,000. There is also a one-time filing fee that will be applied to a customer's utility bill. For a $5,000 loan, this fee has been around $90.50. Loans are repaid monthly after the project has been completed.

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Brainerd Public Utilities - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Note: 2023 rebate program coming soon, check back or call 218-825-3203

Brainerd Public Utilites (BPU) offers a variety of rebates to residential customers. Additionally, through a partnership with Energy Insight, Inc., commercial customers can set up a consultation for potential rebates. Interested commercial customers should contact Mike Swanson at [email protected] or 952-767-7469.

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Florida Keys Electric Cooperative - Solar Loan Program

Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC) offers a loan program for the purchase and installation of a grid-tied Distributed Energy Resource (DER) system. This can be both a battery storage system or a photovoltaic system. This program is offered to both residential and commercial customers. To participate, customers must have a "clean" billing history with FKEC for at least 12 months for residential customers and at least 24 months for commercial customers.

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Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program

Note: The Department of Energy Resources released a straw proposal in July 2024 stipulating several proposed changes to the SMART program, including the following: amendments to the energy storage and solar canopy adder, a new raised racking adder, no more separate adders for community shared solar and low-income community shared solar, specific discounts for customers under community solar project contracts, changes to capacity allocations for small and large solar projects, and a new fixed SMART incentive payment for small projects, among others. Draft regulations are expected to be filed sometime in Fall 2024.

The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program

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City of Philadelphia - Solar Rebate Program

On August 14, 2019, Mayor Kenney of Philadelphia signed a law which created a Solar Rebate. The rebate is paid by the City for commercial or residential solar installations completed after July 1, 2019. These incentive payments will average $1,000 per home. The program has a spending cap of $500,000 per fiscal year.

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Marin County Residential Rebate Program

The County of Marin is offering rebates to single family property owners for the replacement of natural gas appliances with efficient all-electric units, including water heaters, furnaces, ranges and cooktops. Replacing natural gas appliances with electric models will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve indoor air quality, and make your home a safer environment.

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