
Riverland Energy Cooperative - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

Riverland Energy Cooperative is providing financial incentives for the purchase of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Customers can receive a $400 rebate for a Level 2 charger or an $800 for the purchase of a Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Eligible chargers must be installed on the cooperative's lines and be controlled (unavailable) between 2:00 PM and 9:00 PM on weekdays.

Required documentation listed below must be submitted no later than 3 months after EV charger install date.

  • This incentive form
  • A copy of your receipt or invoice for each item with purchase price(s) circled
  • Documentation showing the equipment has been installed
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Pierce Pepin Coop - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

Pierce Pepin Coop is providing financial incentives for the purchase of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Customers can receive a $400 rebate for a Level 2 charger or an $800 for the purchase of a Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Eligible chargers must be installed on the cooperative's lines and be controlled (unavailable) between 2:00 PM and 9:00 PM on weekdays.

Required documentation listed below must be submitted no later than 3 months after EV charger install date.

  • This Incentive form
  • A copy of your receipt or invoice for each item with purchase price(s) circled
  • For EV charger, include documentation showing
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East Central Energy - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

ECE offers a $750 rebate to install a level 2 charger on either the time-of-use rate or off-peak storage rate. 

Level II Elective Vehicle Charge Stations

Level 2 charging uses 240 volt power to enable faster regeneration of an EV’s battery system. Providing this type of charging requires installation of an EVSE unit and electrical wiring capable of handling higher voltage power. Plug-in America’s PlugStar tools offer a listing of Level 2 EVSE currently on the market. Many utilities are offering free level 2 charging equipment and/or incentives with an electric car purchase. These stations

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Golf Cart Rebate

VPPSA Electric Golf Cart Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $100 rebate on the purchase of an electric golf cart. To qualify, the golf cart must be charged within the service territory of a VPPSA member utility.

You'll need the following information for your application:  

  • Proof of purchase
  • Photo of the model/serial number
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form

Download the rebate application form here

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Bicycle and Retrofit Kit Rebate

E-Bike and Retrofit Kit Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $100 rebate for an e-bike or retrofit kit. To qualify, the e-bike or retrofit kit must be purchased at a Vermont-based store.

E-bikes are bicycles with battery-powered motors that help assist with pedaling. The motor helps to boost the bike uphill with less effort. A retrofit kit can convert a regular bike to an e-bike by adding in the battery-operated motor.

You'll need the following information for your application:

  • Proof of purchase
  • Photo of the model/serial number
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form

Download the rebate application form here.

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Lawnmower Rebate

Electric Lawnmower Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $50 rebate on the purchase of an electric lawn mower for residential use, or a $1,200 rebate on the purchase of an electric ride-on lawn mower or $200 for a push mower for commercial use.

In order to qualify you will need the following:

  • Proof of purchase or lease
  • Vermont vehicle registration
  • Copy of electric bill
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form if requesting a mailed check

Download the residential mower rebate application form here

Download the commercial mower rebate application form here

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Vermont Electric Coop - Electric Lawnmower Bill Credit

Residential Electric Lawnmowers

VEC offers a bill credit of $50 for new, corded or cordless residential electric lawnmowers purchased on or after 5/11/19.

Commercial Electric Lawnmowers

VEC offers a bill credit of $1,000 for qualifying commercial electric lawnmowers purchased on or after May 11, 2019 for use by a lawn care business, state agency, or institution with a campus such as a hospital or a university (other end-users will be considered on a case-by-case basis). The models listed below automatically qualify for this incentive (other models will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must receive pre-approval from VEC).

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Stowe Electric - Electric Bicycles

Electric Bicycles

Stowe Electric customers that purchase a qualifying Class 1 e-bike may be eligible to receive a direct rebate of $200. Just complete and submit this form with your proof of purchase to apply for a rebate. E-bikes utilize rechargeable lithium-ion battery packs to power a motor that provides pedal assistance to the rider. E-bikes offer users the opportunity to reduce combustion engine vehicle miles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Click here and here to learn more about the benefits of e-bikes. Within Vermont there are a variety of organizations dedicated to promoting E-Bikes, for more information on their

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